Priorities and funded actions
To reduce the burden of NCDs targeting NCDs other than those in the five action strands of the ‘Healthier Together – EU NCD Initiative’ and cancer by increasing awareness, sharing knowledge and building capacity to improve public health, especially at local level
Implementation of projects on disease prevention and health promotion, which is expected to reduce the burden of NCDs other than the five action strands of the initiative ‘Healthier Together – EU NCD Initiative’ and cancer
Among financed actions
- Transfer of promising practices and approaches, which contribute to tackling the burden of NCDs other than cancer and those in the five action strands of the ‘Healthier Together’ initiative
- Civil society organisations will implement targeted projects and activities, complementing the Member States’ efforts in the design, planning and implementation of best practices, including support to the definition of public health guidelines and healthcare guidelines, to the preparation and roll out of new policy approaches, to the pilot testing of innovative practices, and support actions such as training and twinning, health communication or health literacy
- Activities should also include an equity dimension and aim at reducing health inequalities
Additional information
- This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
- Initial duration of the action: between 12 and 36 months
- Be legal entities (public or private bodies)
- Be established in one of the eligible countries
- The consortium must include at least one NGO active in the field of health at Union level