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EU4Health – Action grants for the initiative ‘HealthyLifestyle4All’: promotion of healthy lifestyles – 2021

The EU4Health Programme aims at improving human health throughout the Union and ensuring a high level of protection of human health in all Union policies and activities.

4.4 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Health
Regions European Economic Area, European Union
  • Countries associated to the EU4Health Programme;
  • Countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature.

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To create healthy school environments that promote healthy lifestyles with a spillover effect on the whole community;
  • To broaden of cross-sectoral cooperation to promote healthy lifestyles across generations;
  • To invest in a healthy school environment, including healthy canteens;
  • To improve healthy lifestyles of children and young people and consequently reduce the incidence of NCDs and reduce their impacts on healthcare systems and social care systems, and ensure the growth and competitiveness of the economy by ensuring a healthy workforce.


  • Priority 1: encourage and support schools and other educational settings to adopt the concept of healthy schools – also known as health-promoting schools, and will collect, develop, endorse and share evidence-based practices;
  • Priority 2: complete other ongoing European and national initiatives, focusing on successful practices on health literacy and healthy lifestyles in schools;
  • Priority 3: ensure that school canteens and cafeterias are designed to encourage children to choose healthier snacks and meals, in line with school national dietary recommendations and food-based dietary guidelines, including technical assistance to intervene and transform the school environment;
  • Priority 4: assess the training needs of school staff including the knowledge of school cooks of healthy diets;
  • Priority 5: conduct awareness campaigns with social influencers at schools, nudging kids to healthy lives, improvement for vending items they contain, reducing ads for junk food etc.
  • Priority 6: promote healthy lifestyles with a specific focus on tackling childhood obesity and other key risk factors.

Among financed actions

  • Promotion of healthy lifestyles with a focus on the school setting;
  • Actions ensuring equal access to the activities by all socio-economic groups;
  • Proposals for effective uptake to successful practices on health literacy and healthy lifestyles including, nutrition, regular health-enhancing physical activity and mental health in schools.

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the project: between 12 and 36 months.


  • Be a legal entity (public or private bodies) created under Union law or an international organisation;
  • Be established in one of the eligible countries.
  • Amount of the grant: 4.4 million euro;
  • Co-financing rate: up to 80% of eligible costs.

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