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Eurostat – European Statistics Action Grant – 2020

Grants in the framework of the specific projects under the Eurostat programme.

1.2 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union

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Priorities and funded actions

* To provide financial support for MS to carry out work linked to the modernisation of their public sector financial accounting systems under the accruals basis of accounting with a view to the eventual implementation of EPSAS

* Transition from the cash basis of financial accounting and working towards introducing internationally accepted accruals-based accounting standards, or equivalent national accruals accounting standards;
* Using accruals, which are moving towards harmonised financial accounting systems across government, or are preparing for such a reform
* Be of general benefit to either government accounting as a whole or bring benefits to a range of government entities will have priority over ones, which may bring benefit for a single entity or small number of entities

Among Financed actions
* Stock taking of current financial accounting system with a view to scoping of modernisation needs;
* Developing the organisation of the project to implement changes;
* Developing an approach to implementation;
* Developing a stakeholder communication plan;
* Exchanging knowledge and best practices;
* Building on existing analyses;
* Develop exploitation strategies;

Additional information
* This call for proposal is a restricted call for proposal. Only one stage submission. 

* Initial durationof the actions : 24 months

* Eligibility: 
– Be a legal person;
– Be a public authority;
– Be a non-profit organisation (private or public); 
– Be established in a EU Member States


* Co-financing rate: up to 70% of the total eligible costs

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