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Global Call for Proposals – EIDHR – 2020

The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) aims at providing support for the promotion of democracy and human rights in non-EU countries

10 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions Worldwide

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Priorities and funded actions

* Global Call objectives would support peaceful pro-democracy actors, capacitating civil society to innovate with modern means of communication and organisation, and to resist shrinking space

* Priority 1: Engage long- and medium-term drivers of civic space dynamics according to specific country contexts;
* Priority 2: Offer programmes of capacity building, networking and exchange for human rights defenders and related civil society (including with other stakeholders as appropriate) at a national level and/or with a multi-country or regional dimension;
* Priority 3: Counter the criminalisation and defamation of civic actors and civil society;
* Priority 4: Develop and pilot multi-stakeholder response protocols for early action; maintain contacts/networks with national and international actors to assess opportunities for meaningful action; coordinate or mobilise measures at different levels as appropriate;
* Priority 5: Provide direct support (services and/or financial assistance) in case of sudden-onset changes or significant signals of change;
* Priority 6: Analyse trends and assess the dynamics of civic, democratic and civil society space. 

Among the actions financed: 
– Respect for civil society and civic space in national legislation and its enforcement in practice; as appropriate reclaiming liberties lost or compromised during the COVID-19 pandemic; 
– Elevating or broadening the understanding of civic space as a basic element in achieving sustainable development within a stable political environment; recovering reputational damage to civic actors and active citizenship; raising the profile of shrinking space as a matter of political concern at national, regional and global levels; 
– Resilience of civil society and civic actors to new and modern challenges, including but not limited to digital security, political polarisation, and emergency measures linked to counter-terrorism, public health and other issues (also arising from COVID-19); diversification of financial resources available to civic actors and civil society in situations of closing space; digitalisation of civic space and the online enjoyment of fundamental freedoms; 
– Building bridges: encouraging coalition-building across sectors of civil society (between human rights and development sectors, social services), between “traditional” civil society and other forms of civic and social movements including youth activists, and between highly connected and more remote civil society, civic and community-based actors and human rights defenders, giving attention to the exceptional shrinking of space related to discrimination against certain groups or actors, exacerbating marginalisation and inequality. Cooperation could also be supported between civil society and stakeholders beyond civil society including business, public services, national and regional entities (including National Human Rights Institutions); and between civil society and other socially minded professionals (artists, designers, journalists, IT experts, etc.) to strengthen and professionalise activities, including civic tech. 

Complementary information:
* This call of proposals is an open call for poposals 
* Initial duration of the action: lower than 30 months nor exceed 36 months

* Eligibility for funding:
– Be a legal person or an entity without legal personality or a natural person; and
– Be non-profit-making; and
– Be a non-governmental civil society organisation active in human rights and/or democracy work
– Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicants and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary


* Amountof the grant: 2.5 million euro
* Co-financing rate : beetween 51% and 95% of the total eligible costs of the action.

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