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HORIZON EUROPE – Green ERA-Hub – Contributions to a sustainable and resilient agri-food system – 2023

Horizon Europe - Green ERA-Hub aiming at contributing to the development of more sustainable and resilient food and farming systems.

10.630 million euro

Appeal framework

Program Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)
Institution European Commission
Sectors Energy Environment & Climate Health Research & Innovation
Beneficiaries Association & NGO Large company (> 250 employees) Research centre & university Smes & Start-Ups (< 249 Employees)

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Priorities and funded actions


To support projects that contribute to the development of more sustainable and resilient food and farming systems.


  • Priority 1: Analysis of potential synergies and trade-offs of redesigned or new production systems or products along the value chain and their economic, ecological and social effects
  • Priority 2: Identification of the most important drivers, facilitators and barriers to implement and accept new strategies, processes and products
  • Priority 3: Design and analysis of socio-economic structures within a socio-ecological market economy that facilitate functional competition
  • Priority 4: Building strategies to improve the consumers´ knowledge about the impact of their food choices and consumption behaviour on health, environment and economy (food literacy)

Among financed actions

Topic 1: Enhance fertilizer efficiency and reduce fertilizer use

  • Fertilizer production and recovery: innovative procedures to retrieve fertilizers from agricultural (by)-products, residues and waste from agricultural/food production
  • Fertilizer utilisation: improved/optimized use of fertilizer through innovative agricultural production strategies such as precision farming potentially supported by ICT solutions, modelling and decision support systems, as appropriate
  • Organic fertilizer: biological nitrogen fixation by co-cultivation strategies, for example with legumes

Topic 2: Increase European protein self-sufficiency

  • Protein in feed: new concepts for optimal use of feed protein in livestock production, including livestock breeding for low protein feed rations
  • Protein recovery: innovative biorefinery concepts to retrieve protein from residues of feed and food production
  • Protein production: novel sources of protein from breeding of new protein crops and from alternatives (e.g. algae, seaweeds, insects) for food and non-food applications
  • Protein in food: novel food protein sources, their consumer acceptance, and understanding of consumer choices

Topic 3: Mitigate GHG emissions in agricultural and food systems

  • Climate neutrality in agri-food systems: strategies and innovations for GHG mitigation and carbon removal
  • Improved national GHG inventories: new and/or refined emission/removal factors enabling better monitoring, reporting and verification of emissions/removals
  • Enabling conditions: evaluation of policy and/or economic measures to support GHG emissions reductions and enhance removals across the farm-to-fork chain
  • Climate-friendly choices: better understanding of the drivers of consumer behaviour in order to support consumers in reducing food waste and making more climate-friendly food purchases

Topic 4: Sustainable energy use and production in agri-food systems

  • Energy saving strategies “from farm-to-fork”, including approaches during food processing and packaging
  • Renewable energy production in agri-food systems (e.g. biogas, wind, solar)
  • Biogas production in circular systems, avoiding food-feed competition
  • Benefits and trade-offs of energy saving and renewable energy use, including economic aspects

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: between 24 and 36 months


  • Be a university and other higher education institution, public research institution, private nonprofit organisation, or private companie
  • Be a consortium with at least three eligible partners requesting funding from at least three different FB member countries
  • Total budget of this call: 10.630 million euro

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