Priorities and funded actions
To support projects that contribute to the development of more sustainable and resilient food and farming systems.
- Priority 1: Analysis of potential synergies and trade-offs of redesigned or new production systems or products along the value chain and their economic, ecological and social effects
- Priority 2: Identification of the most important drivers, facilitators and barriers to implement and accept new strategies, processes and products
- Priority 3: Design and analysis of socio-economic structures within a socio-ecological market economy that facilitate functional competition
- Priority 4: Building strategies to improve the consumers´ knowledge about the impact of their food choices and consumption behaviour on health, environment and economy (food literacy)
Among financed actions
Topic 1: Enhance fertilizer efficiency and reduce fertilizer use
- Fertilizer production and recovery: innovative procedures to retrieve fertilizers from agricultural (by)-products, residues and waste from agricultural/food production
- Fertilizer utilisation: improved/optimized use of fertilizer through innovative agricultural production strategies such as precision farming potentially supported by ICT solutions, modelling and decision support systems, as appropriate
- Organic fertilizer: biological nitrogen fixation by co-cultivation strategies, for example with legumes
Topic 2: Increase European protein self-sufficiency
- Protein in feed: new concepts for optimal use of feed protein in livestock production, including livestock breeding for low protein feed rations
- Protein recovery: innovative biorefinery concepts to retrieve protein from residues of feed and food production
- Protein production: novel sources of protein from breeding of new protein crops and from alternatives (e.g. algae, seaweeds, insects) for food and non-food applications
- Protein in food: novel food protein sources, their consumer acceptance, and understanding of consumer choices
Topic 3: Mitigate GHG emissions in agricultural and food systems
- Climate neutrality in agri-food systems: strategies and innovations for GHG mitigation and carbon removal
- Improved national GHG inventories: new and/or refined emission/removal factors enabling better monitoring, reporting and verification of emissions/removals
- Enabling conditions: evaluation of policy and/or economic measures to support GHG emissions reductions and enhance removals across the farm-to-fork chain
- Climate-friendly choices: better understanding of the drivers of consumer behaviour in order to support consumers in reducing food waste and making more climate-friendly food purchases
Topic 4: Sustainable energy use and production in agri-food systems
- Energy saving strategies “from farm-to-fork”, including approaches during food processing and packaging
- Renewable energy production in agri-food systems (e.g. biogas, wind, solar)
- Biogas production in circular systems, avoiding food-feed competition
- Benefits and trade-offs of energy saving and renewable energy use, including economic aspects
Additional information
- This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
- Initial duration of the action: between 24 and 36 months
- Be a university and other higher education institution, public research institution, private nonprofit organisation, or private companie
- Be a consortium with at least three eligible partners requesting funding from at least three different FB member countries