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Horizon Europe – Twin Green and Digital Transition – 2023

Horizon Europe - Twin Green and Digital Transition aiming at achieving Global leadership in clean, climate-neutral and resilient industrial value chains, circular economy and climate-neutral and human-centric digital systems and infrastructures, through innovative production and manufacturing processes and their digitisation, new business models, sustainable-by-design advanced materials and technologies enabling the switch to decarbonisation in all major emitting industrial sectors, including green digital technologies

Detailed budget by topic below

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Buildings & Public Works Environment & Climate Research & Innovation Technology & Digital
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries
Regions Developing countries, European Economic Area, European Union
  • Member States
  • Associated Countries
  • Low and middle-income countries

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Priorities and funded actions

Some Horizon Europe budgets are structured in response to policy ambitions (“destinations”) and deployed through calls for proposals targeting more specific thematic/sector (“Topics”). Thus, your application must be linked to a topic of a call for proposals.

Various categories of projects are eligible:

  • RIA, Research and Innovation Actions: Basic and applied research / Technology development and adoption / Testing and validation of a prototype in the laboratory.
  • IA, Innovation Actions: Prototypes, tests, demonstrations, pilot projects, market placement. These actions may include limited R&D activities.
  • CSA, Coordination and Support Actions: Networking, studies & conferences, communication, studies for new research infrastructures.
  • MSCA, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions / ERC individual grants: Training networks for researchers, Individual grants for experienced researchers, Staff exchange – mobility for researchers and non-scientific staff.

In addition, calls specify the categories of eligible beneficiaries:

  • Collaborative projects, composed of a coordinator and several partners organisations (consortium)
  • Single-beneficiary projects, involving a single organization
  • Individual scholarships, open to natural persons in their own name with their home institution
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-02: High-precision OR complex product manufacturing – potentially including the use of photonics (Made in Europe and Photonics Partnerships) (IA)
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-04:  Factory-level and value chain approaches for remanufacturing (Made in Europe Partnership) (IA)
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-07: Achieving resiliency in value networks through modelling and Manufacturing as a Service (Made in Europe Partnership) (RIA)
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-08: Foresight and technology transfer for Manufacturing as a Service (Made in Europe Partnership) (CSA)
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-31: Energy efficiency breakthroughs in the process industries (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA)
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-33: Electrification of high temperature heating systems (Processes4Planet Partnership) (IA)
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-36: Modelling industry transition to climate neutrality, sustainability and circularity (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA)
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-37: Hubs for circularity for near zero emissions regions applying industrial symbiosis and cooperative approach to heavy industrialized clusters and surrounding ecosystems (Processes4Planet partnership) (IA)
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-40: Sustainable and efficient industrial water consumption: through energy and solute recovery (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA)
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-42: Circular economy in process industries: Upcycling large volumes of secondary resources (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA)
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-43: Low carbon-dioxide emission technologies for melting iron-bearing feed materials OR smart carbon usage and improved energy & resource efficiency via process integration (Clean Steel Partnership) (IA)
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-45: Circular economy solutions for the valorisation of low-quality scrap streams, materials recirculation with high recycling rate, and residue valorisation for long term goal towards zero waste (Clean Steel Partnership) (RIA)

Amount per topic:

  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-02: 48 million euro
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-04: 37.6 million euro
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-07: 32 million euro
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-08: 1 million euro
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-31: 32 million euro
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-33: 35.67 million euro
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-36: 13 million euro
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-37: 40 million euro
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-40: 30 million euro
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-42: 30 million euro
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-43: 23 million euro
  • HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-45: 12 million euro

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