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IEV – Climate for Cities in the Southern Neighbourhood – 2021

The ENPI programme follows on from the ENPI programme for 2007-2013 and aims to promote enhanced political cooperation and progressive economic integration between the Union and the partner countries and, in particular, the implementation of partnership and cooperation agreements.

19 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union, Candidate countries, Mediterranean countries

Actions must take place in one the following countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria

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Priorities and funded actions

*To improve citizen’s quality of life through the implementation of resource-efficient and low carbon initiatives, with multiplier effects at local level and good replicability potential
* To improve national and local authorities’ capacity to design innovative frameworks and partnerships for the development, implementation and financing of successful climate action at local level

Priority 1- Implementation of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (either partially or in full) at local level
Priority 2 – Where SECAPs have not been developed, implementation of alternative already developed plans focussed on sustainable and integrated climate mitigation and/or adaptation measures at local level, in line with existing national and local plans and countries’ international climate change commitments
Priority 3 – Implementation of soft measures to complement and maximise the local level impact of 1) and 2). More details on soft measures below

Among financed actions
*Development of communication materials for the dissemination of project results and to promote replication at local or national level.
*Hiring technical expertise for the implementation of the project
* Procurement, delivery and supervision of supplies, works, services, exclusively for the achievement of the project’s main objectives
*Organisation of workshops, seminars, courses in relation to the project objectives

Additional information

* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals 

* Initial duration of the action: between 36 months and 48 months


*be a legal person and 
*be non-profit-making and
* be a specific type of organisation namely: a non-governmental organisation, a local authority or a a local public education, academic or research organisation and
* be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicants and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary


* Amount of the grant: between of 2.5 million euro and 3.5 million euro
* Co-financing rate: between 5% and 50% of the total eligible costs of the action

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