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IPA – EU for Municipalities. Improving Local Government Services through Innovative Concepts – 2020

The IPA aims to help countries meet the Copenhagen accession criteria (political, economic and acquis communautaire) and to develop administrative and judicial capacity. It also helps the countries to prepare for the management of Structural Funds, Cohesion Funds and Rural Development Funds after accession (by preparing the necessary structures and systems and by financing projects).

5 million euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions Candidate countries

Candidate countries: North Macedonia

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Priorities and funded actions

* To support the implementation of innovative solutions for local problems;
* To improve the involvement of citizens, Civil Society Organisations, and businesses in problem solving;
* To copy and adapt best practice solutions from local authorities in EU Member States, or other North Macedonian pilot municipalities. 

* Priority 1: Innovative municipal services and/or innovative solutions improving existing services 
* Priority 2: Social care and/or community social services 
* Priority 3: Improvement of local crisis management capacity and preparedness 
* Priority 4: Economic recovery after the pandemic crisis, local jobs and skills in knowledge economy 
* Priority 5: “Green deal” priorities, such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, sustainable use of natural resources (energy and water, urban mobility and land use), transition to a circular economy, pollution prevention and control, protection and restoration of ecosystems.

Among financed actions:
* Actions developing or implementing innovative solutions for digitization of municipal services;
* Actions developing and/or implementing innovative solutions for urban mobility including necessary investments e.g. in infrastructure, mobile assets, or IT systems;
* Actions for new or improved services, e.g. social, or medical, or mobility services for disabled persons, for children with special needs, or innovative municipal services for elderly persons living in remote villages;
* Actions for new or improved services, e.g. mobile service delivery or IT-based service delivery, inter-municipal coordination and cooperation, including purchase and/or joint use of special purpose equipment and facilities in health and social care;
* Actions for new or improved services, e.g. hygienic services, health care, crisis prevention, including necessary improvements in infrastructure and logistics for equipment and materials;
*Actions for new or improved management structures, e.g. local rapid reaction staff, joint command structures, involvement and management of volunteers, information systems for citizens and businesses, IT-based planning;
*Actions for economic recovery of the tourism sector, e.g. improved hygienic standards, health protection, emergency services, information systems, web and community based services for pre-information of incoming tourists, risk awareness activities, monitoring of rules and regulations,  including investment in safety measures, first aid points, medical and transportation services, linked to marketing and sales channels;
*Actions for economic recovery in rural areas, e.g. creating additional income opportunities from tourism activities (in specific for unemployed women or youth), IT-based complementary measures for rural tourism and/or agro-tourism, innovative targeted services for tourism;
*Actions for clean drinking water, e.g. purification or filtration, incentives for reduced usage of drinking water, cadastre of pollution and measures for rehabilitation, improved land use planning, awareness campaigns for citizens and businesses;
* Actions for a transition to a circular economy, e.g. collecting or reverse selling of plastic waste, incentive schemes for citizens and businesses to reduce or avoid plastic waste, separation of waste, innovative solutions for involving citizens in the activities; 

Additional informations

* This call is a restricted call for proposals. In first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated

* Initial duration of the action: between 18 and 40 months

– Be a legal person, and
– Be established in the Republic of North Macedonia, and
– Be a specific type of institution or organisation: Local government unit (municipality)
– Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary

– Actions must take place in North Macedonia


* Amount of the grant: Between 300.000 and 800.000 euros
* Co-financing rate: Between 60% and 90% of the total eligible costs

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