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IPA II – EU for Economic Growth North Macedonia – 2020

Grant for supporting start-ups and SMEs in selected less-developed regions of the country to grow, produce added value and create a local living economy

9 million euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union

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Priorities and funded actions

* Supporting start-ups and SMEs in selected less-developed regions of the country to grow, produce added value and create a local living economy;
* Increasing local economic activity and competitiveness in the North-East, Polog, South-West regions and Prespa area (Resen opština/municipality) of North Macedonia by improving access of start-ups and SMEs to financing and high value-added services

* To support setting up and/or developing at least 1 accelerator in each of the target areas, but preferably 6 in total;
* To provide business development support and/or technical assistance prioritising companies owned by people below 40 years of age and/or women and/or people belonging to vulnerable groups and minorities. A quota system will be set up after the analysis of the business opportunities and of the economic potential in each region is carried out;
* To provide financial support to at least 55 start-ups and/or SMEs to start or expand their business activities;
* To create at least 300 new jobs expressed in Full Time Equivalent (FTE). The jobs created – either self-employed or employed – are mainly to target people below 40 years of age, women and people belonging to vulnerable groups and minorities. A quota system will be set up after the analysis of the business opportunities and of the economic potential in each region is carried out;
* To provide support to start-ups and SMEs for business activities in line with the EU Green Deal to move towards the green economy, i.e. companies strongly committed towards boosting the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy and restoring biodiversity and cut pollution towards a zero pollution and zero waste model

Amongst the financed actions
* Technical assistance and training;
* Study visits;
* Workshops, conferences, seminars;
* Studies, analysis, surveys;
* Procurement of equipment and works;
* Financial assistance to third parties

Aditionnal Information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals

* Initial duration of the action: between 48 and 60 months 

* Eligibility: 
– In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must:
> Be a legal person, and
> Be non-profit-making, and
> Be established in the EU Member States, and
> Be a specific type of organisation such as: Public law bodies/organisations, established by the EU Member States with the objectives to support private sector development in the respective EU MS; or o Bodies governed by private law, mandated by an EU Member State – through a law or act of assignment or similar – with a public service mission to support private sector development;
> Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co- applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary

– Actions must take place in the following target areas of the Republic of North Macedonia: 1. North-East region; 2. Polog region; 3. South-West region; 4. Prespa area (Resen opština/municipality). 


* Grant amount: between 8.95 and 9 million euros

* Co-financing rate: up to 100 % of the total eligible costs of the action

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