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ISFP – Call for proposals on police cooperation – 2020

To support police cooperation, crime prevention and the fight against cross-border as well as serious and organised crime, including terrorism.

1,5 million euro

Appeal framework

Regions European Union

* A l’exception des organisations internationales, les demandeurs et les co-demandeurs doivent être établis dans les pays suivants pour être éligibles :
– les États membres de l’Union européenne à l’exception du Danemark.
Les organisations internationales peuvent être établies en dehors des pays mentionnés ci-dessus.
– Les entités britanniques ne sont pas éligibles pour participer à cet appel.
* les demandes doivent être transnationales : Impliquer au moins deux entités éligibles établies dans deux différents États membres participant à l’instrument ISF Police.


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Priorities and funded actions

* Priority 1: Increase the use of cross-border police cooperation instruments;
* Priority 2: Establish or streamline appropriate structures and methods for cross-border cooperation, combine joint threat assessments, joint trainings, and joint planning on large-scale crisis scenarios, mutual-aid deployment of police forces, exchange and/or sharing of equipment;
* Priority 3: Increase the interoperability or the efficiency in the use of existing instruments for cross-border information exchange;
* Priority 4: Exchange of best practices regarding information exchange related issues and the functioning of Single point of Contacts (SPOCs), focusing on identifying possible legal and pragmatic obstacles to cross-border law enforcement cooperation and finding the most appropriate solutions to cope with them;
* Priority 5: Identification of common business requirements for SPOCs case management systems (i.e., collection, storing, processing and analysing of information in structured form) in EU Member States;
* Priority 6: Improvement or the development of interoperable case management system (CMS) for the SPOC and all law enforcement agencies involved in cross-border information exchange.

Among financed actions
* Networking, public-private partnerships, mutual confidence, understanding and learning, identification and dissemination of best practices and innovative approaches at Union level, training and exchange programmes;
* Projects supporting the development of methodological;
* The acquisition, maintenance and/or further upgrading of technical equipment, expertise, and related systems ;
* Projects enhancing awareness of Union policies and objectives among stakeholders and the general public ;
* Particularly innovative projects developing new methods and/or deploying new technologies with a potential for transferability to other Member States ;
* Management of the project and evaluation of activities.

Additional information

* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals 

* Initial duration of the action: maximum 24 months

– Public bodies, or by the competent authority’s mandate, a public or non-public implementing agency or body of a Member State of the European Union participating in the ISF Police instrument;
– The following are not eligible, neither as applicants nor as co-applicants: Union Agencies, natural persons, international organisations.


* Amount of the grant: minimum of 250 000 euro
* Co-financing rate: up to 90% of the total eligible costs of the action

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