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JPI AMR – Network Plus – 2020

A long term reduction of antimicrobial resistance in Europe can be possible by bringing together industry, public health bodies and academic bodies to share their experiences and their resources.

940,000 euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Health
Regions European Union, Worldwide

Eligible countries:
* JPI AMR members: Canada, France, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands
* JPI AMR non-members can be partners

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Priorities and funded actions

* Connect AMR researchers bridging geographic and research fields;
* Facilitate access to scientific information and infrastructures;
* Provide avenues for sharing of AMR knowledge, data, infrastructures and facilities and perform meta-studies;
* Build capacity around AMR research;
* Increase awareness and visibility of the issue of AMR;
* Use scientific evidence and increase scientific excellence in innovation to inform policy and guideline makers;
* Develop social and economic approaches for the study of interventions, transmission, environment and translation to the market;
* Improve optimal health economic models related to AMR challenge

* Activities focusing on AMR within the domains of Human health, Animal health and the Environment;
* To bridge multiple One Health areas as needed

Among financed actions
– Therapeutics;
– Diagnostics;
– Surveillance;
– Transmission;
– Environment;
– Interventions

Additional information
* Initial duration of the action: 12 or 24 months (plus 2 months for report writing)

* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals

* Eligibility:
– Networks must involve at least six partners from at least six different countries;
– Network must be led by an individual from an eligible organisation within one of the JPIAMR countries participating in the call;
– Individuals are allowed to be Partners of more than one 1 JPIAMR Network in the present call, according to National rules (see Annex A);
– Members can be added to the Network as it develops further if additional expertise/knowledge is of benefit to the Network

* The action must take place in a network country


* Amount of the grant: between 50,000 and 100,000 euro

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