25 August 2021
JPI MYBL – Equality And Wellbeing Across Generations – 2020
JPI - More Years, Better Lives aims at more synergistic and fruitful coordination of national and EU programmes in the field of demographic change
+33(0)1 42 54 60 64 |
JPI - More Years, Better Lives aims at more synergistic and fruitful coordination of national and EU programmes in the field of demographic change
United Kingdom
* To identify who benefits and who loses from demographic change and how they can be avoided;
* To support solidarity sustainably through both policy and practice
* Income and wealth: extending working life changes the distribution of income and wealth between generations. Income in later life is very unevenly distributed on the basis of previous employment, earnings, and the structure of different pension systems. Patterns of intergenerational inheritance change as people spend longer in retirement, and as the costs of social care impact on savings. Different national patterns of housing tenure also have differing implications for wealth and inheritance;
* Caring responsibilities: a high proportion of older people (especially, but not only women) undertake caring responsibilities, for parents, children, or partners. Caring can be emotionally rewarding, but when it makes heavy physical or emotional demands, it can have a seriously damaging effect on mental and physical health, and on employment opportunities of the carer, especially where they are caring simultaneously for children and elders. A particular feature of caring is that needs can arise, and end, unexpectedly, giving little time for carers to plan and manage other commitments;
* Social and political participation: in many countries older people are more likely than young people to participate in formal political processes. However, many are disengaged, especially in later life, and some feel that their interests and concerns are underrepresented in political decision making. Older people are also more vulnerable to social isolation and loneliness, with less support from younger generations than in the past. The problem is exacerbated as friends and partners die, and mobility reduces. Sense of identity and security can also be challenged as neighbourhoods change, becoming younger, or possibly poorer. This is an issue both in urban environments and in rural areas, in declining communities (where the young have moved away), or without access to public or private transport
Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
* Initial duration of the action: up to 36 months
* Eligibility:
– Each proposal must involve a minimum of three eligible applicants from at least three different countries participating in the Call;
– Members of the JPI MYBL Steering Committee, Scientific Advisory Board, Societal Advisory Board and General Assembly involved in the evaluation process are not allowed to apply. Neither are Joint Call Secretariat and Call Steering Committee members. Other individuals who have participated in the preparation of the call are also not allowed to apply, but the institutions they work for are eligible;
– A given researcher is allowed to be involved in up to two proposals as Project Investigator, but if they serve as Coordinator for one proposal they cannot be involved as PI in another;
– Project Consortia can also include non-eligible researchers as PIs, i.e. belonging to a country that is not participating to this call or not eligible according to the national rules of participating countries. In this case, these non-eligible researchers or societal actors must secure their own funding and state its origin in advance of proposal submission on the Electronic Submission Platform. However, non-eligible Project Investigators are not counted in the required minimum of Project Investigators in the consortium, nor can they serve as Coordinator
– For more information on the eligibility criteria, see the national regulations
* See the grant amount and the co-financing rate in the national regluations of participating countries, in the guidelines
25 August 2021