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JPI – Novel imaging and brain stimulation methods and technologies related to neurodegenerative diseases – 2020

JPND supports transnational research projects that enable researchers to collaborate across borders to tackle the global challenge of neurodegenerative diseases.

18 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution Secrétariat pour l'appel conjoint JPND
Sectors Health
Regions European Union

Participating countries : Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey

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Priorities and funded actions

* To foster technical progress on relevant techniques that benefits for patients or for routine scientific and clinical applications;
* To encourage integration basic research and cost-effectiveness studies, where relevant;
* To favour hypotheses-driven studies and combine cutting-edge technological developments with a clear, substantial research question

* Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias;
* Parkinson’s disease and PD‐related disorders;
* Prion diseases;
* Motor neuron diseases;
* Huntington’s disease;
* Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA);
* Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)

Among financed actions
* Imaging technologies: research projects that focus on the development of novel JPND call for proposals: “Novel imaging and brain stimulation methods and technologies related to Neurodegenerative Diseases” imaging technologies or on improvements to the application of existing cutting-edge imaging technologies;
* Brain stimulation techniques: the aim is to fund research that will lead to new or improved applications of both invasive and non-invasive brain stimulation techniques for the diagnosis and the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases

Additioanl information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals

* Initial duration of the action: 3 years

* Eligibility:
– Be research groups working in universities (or other higher education institutions), non-university public or private research institutes, hospitals and other health and social care settings, as well as commercial companies, in particular small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs);
– Collaborations with companies from outside the traditional medical sector (e.g. computing, artificial intelligence) are welcome;
– The consortia must involve a minimum of three and a maximum of six regular partners, including the coordinator;
– The consortia must be from at least three different countries participating in this call;
– The consortia must have no more than two regular partners from the same country


* Amount of the grant: depending on the funding organisation

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