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JPI – Underwater noise in the marine environment – 2022

The Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) was established in 2011 as an intergovernmental platform, open to all EU Member States and Associated Countries who invest in marine and maritime research. By joining forces, JPI Oceans focuses on long-term collaboration between EU Member States, Associated Countries and international partners.

8.2 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution JPI
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries
Regions European Union

Participating countries and agencies:

  • Belgium (Belspo), Germany (BMBF, PtJ), Ireland (MI), Italy (MUR), Norway (RCN), Poland (NCBR), Romania (UEFISCDI), Spain (AEI);


  • BANOS, BlueMed, NOAA, UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To promote scientific research that will contribute to the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) at regional sub-basin scale;
  • To contribute to reach the Good Environmental Status (GES) of European seas and oceans.

Two main scientific themes

  • Effects of anthropogenic noise pollution on marine ecosystems
  • Innovative seismic sources as an option for quieter and effective alternatives to conventional marine geophysical exploration

Among financed actions

Theme 1

  • Understand the role of noise pollution in a multiple stressor context, assessing cumulative, aggregate, and synergistic impacts, as well as considering the spatial aspects of noise pollution with respect to Marine Reporting Units;
  • Enhance the knowledge of behavioural and physiological effects of noise from genes to ecosystems and parameterisation in ecosystem model framework(s);
  • Include effects on commercially harvested and non-commercial species, masking communication of animals, and effects for trophic fluxes through food webs and resilience;
  • Assess long-term effects of sound exposure on important biological processes on marine vertebrates and/or invertebrate population with focus also on early life stages;
  • Investigate the pathophysiological mechanism of Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS) and Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) in marine vertebrates to identify and characterize ecophysiological biomarkers for the detection in ex-vivo/post-mortem studies;
  • Define diagnostic fingerprinting (e.g., metabolomics) of the effect of sounds on auditory pathways and central nervous system functions as well as morphology by increasing experimental investigations and field observations to be included in sound exposure framework assessment.

Theme 2

  • Compare and develop alternative seismic sources with seismic “airguns” in the field, including:
    • Measurement and modelling of source signatures as well as propagated signals in relevant distances to quantify sound emissions and device efficiency;
    • Differences in impact of sound signals produced by innovative seismic sources on marine fauna with focus on low-frequency hearing organisms through field studies;
  • Develop simple and user-friendly sound generation and propagation modelling tools that can be used in impact assessment procedures of impulsive noise;
  • Compare the efficiency of mitigation measures: quantification of the effectiveness of commonly proposed mitigation methods including quantification of the expected risk reduction.

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: up to 36 months.


  • The eligibility criteria specified by the respective FUNDING PARTNERS;
  • Each application must involve eligible research partners and/or industry partners from at least two participating countries (countries of the FUNDING PARTNERS). Involvement of more countries is, however, encouraged;
  • No maximum number of partners is specified.
  • Total budget of the call: 8.2 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: up to 2 million euro

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