Priorities and funded actions
- To contribute to the effective and coherent application of EU criminal law in the area of the rights of persons suspected or accused of crime;
- To contribute to the effective and coherent application of EU law in the area of the rights of victims of crime in line with the EU Strategy on victims’ rights (2020-2025).
– Sub-priority 1: To increase capacity of national practitioners to address issues related to the rights of persons suspected or accused of crime;
– Sub-priority 2: To strengthen cooperation and exchange of information between competent national authorities in relation to the rights of persons suspected or accused of crime;
-Sub-priority 3: To improve knowledge on the legislation and administrative practices related to specific provisions of the EU acquis;
-Sub-priority 4: To harmonise the administrative practices in relation to the relevant legislation in different Member States;
-Sub-priority 5: To reduce risks of breaches of fair trial rights;
-Sub-priority 6: To ensure the compatibility of the national legal framework and regulations linked to the rights of persons suspected or accused in criminal proceedings with EU acquis;
-Sub-priority 7: To improve cooperation of NGOs and professional organisations in the field of the rights of persons suspected or accused of crime;
-Sub-priority 8: To increase awareness of the relevant policy makers on the rights of persons suspected or accused of crime
-Sub-priority 1: To increase capacity of national practitioners to address issues relating to the rights of victims of crime;
-Sub-priority 2: To improve cooperation among the competent national authorities, NGOs and/or professional organisations in the field of victims’ rights;
-Sub-priority 3: To improve public awareness and knowledge about victims’ rights at both EU and national level (including amongst the most vulnerable groups);
-Sub-priority 4: To improve knowledge of specific provisions of the EU acquis regulating issues such as referring victims to the relevant support services, victims’ access to information in the area of victims’ rights, individual assessment of victims’ needs, use of procedural means to protect victims during criminal trial, including use of remote hearings and video testimonies;
-Sub-priority 5: To ensure the compatibility of the national legal framework and administrative practice related to victims’ rights with the relevant EU acquis;
-Sub-priority 6: To increase the number of victims’ support organisations providing general and specialist support services to victims of crimes and their family members;
-Sub-priority 7: To increase the number of services providing support and protection to the most vulnerable victims;
-Sub-priority 8 : To increase the quality of the services (including gender-sensitive, victim-centred and trauma-informed approaches to services) provided by victim support organisations;
-Sub-priority 9: To enhance cooperation among the relevant national authorities responsible for compensation in cross-border cases;
-Sub-priority 10: To improve the access to support services for victims’ claiming compensation
-Sub-priority 11 : To increase awareness to the problematic of relations between victims and offenders including actions aimed at improving victims’ access to justice and decreased re-offending via tools such restorative justice.
Among financed actions:
- Mutual learning;
- Exchange of good practices, development of working methods which may be transferable to other participating countries;
- Exchange and provision of information and development of information tools;
- Training activities;
- Data collection and creation of data bases, surveys, research etc.
Additional information:
- This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
- Initial duration of the action: between 12 months and 24 months.
- Be a public entity or a private organisation;
- Be established in one of the countries participating in the Programme;
- Be an international organisation;
- Organisations which are profit-oriented must submit applications in partnership with public entities or private non-profitoriented organisations;
- Application must be transnational and involve organisations from at least two participating countries;
- The EU grant applied for cannot be lower than € 75 000.