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LIFE – Circular Economy and Quality of Life – 2021

The LIFE programme for 2021-2027 is the EU’s framework funding programme for the environment and climate change.

1 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries
Regions European Economic Area, European Union

Countries eligible for the grant:

  • EEA countries and countries associated to the LIFE Programme;
  • Countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature.

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To provide better understanding and knowledge of the current export of used textile/textile waste from the EU;
  • To provide suggestions/recommendations on how to improve the transparency and sustainability of such trade flows;
  • To increase amounts of separately collected textile waste in line with the Waste Framework Directive’s obligation to separately collect textiles as of 2025.


  • Priority 1: To develop technical criteria to better distinguish textile waste from non-waste used textiles
    • at the stage of discarding textiles by their holder in order to facilitate a separate collection system that ensures as a priority separate collection for re-use and repurposing and secondly separate collection for preparation for re-use and recycling,
    • at the stage of sorting of collected textiles waste to facilitate re-use and repurposing,
    • at the stage of shipments, including exports of textiles;
  • Priority 2: To facilitate the development and consolidation of separate collection and recycling capacities for a wide range of textile waste and the establishment of coordination framework in order to ensure crossborder synergies between textile recycling centres and benefit several Member States.

Among financed actions

  • Running tests of technical feasibility of specific recycling technologies, and testing feasibility of organizational structures (business interactions between textile collectors, recyclers and users/marketers of recycled content fibres);
  • Providing a detailed mapping of ongoing shipments of used textiles and textile waste from the EU and a detailed analysis of the impacts of such shipments on third countries (economic, social, environmental);
  • Providing recommendations for the transferability of the pilot project, identifying main barriers and opportunities identified during the pilot project of setting up of sorting and recycling.

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: Maximum 36/48 months.


  • Be a legal entity (public or private);
  • Be established in one of the eligible countries;
  • The coordinator must be established in an EU Member State.
  • Total budget of the call: 4.8 million euro
  • Total budget of the topic: 1 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: 1 million euro
  • Co-financing rate: up to 90% of the total eligible costs

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