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LIFE – Climate action – Climate change adaptation – 2020

Grants for projects for the environment and climate action

30.2 million euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Transport Health Energy
Regions European Union

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Priorities and funded actions

* To contribute to the development and implementation of Union policy on climate change adaptation, including mainstreaming across policy areas, in particular by developing, testing and demonstrating policy or management approaches, best practices and solutions for climate change adaptation, including, where appropriate, ecosystem-based approaches;
* To improve the knowledge base for the development, assessment, monitoring, evaluation and implementation of effective climate change adaptation actions and measures, prioritising, where appropriate, those applying an ecosystem-based approach, and to enhance the capacity to apply that knowledge in practice;
* To facilitate the development and implementation of integrated approaches, such as for climate change adaptation strategies and action plans, at local, regional or national level, prioritising, where appropriate, ecosystem-based approaches;
* To contribute to the development and demonstration of innovative climate change adaptation technologies, systems, methods and instruments that are suitable for being replicated, transferred or mainstreamed.

* Urban adaptation and land use planning which limits the impacts of climate change;
* Resilience of infrastructure, including application of blue-green infrastructure and ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation;
* Sustainable management of water in drought-prone areas, flood and coastal management;
* Resilience of agricultural, forestry and tourism sectors, including in island and mountain areas
* Support to the EU’s Outermost Regions28: preparedness for extreme weather events, notably in coastal areas

Among financed actions
* “Pilot projects” meaning projects that apply a technique or method that has not been applied or tested before, or elsewhere, and that offer potential environmental or climate advantages compared to current best practice and that can subsequently be applied on a larger scale to similar situations;
* “Demonstration projects” meaning projects that put into practice, test, evaluate and disseminate actions, methodologies or approaches that are new or unknown in the specific context of the project, such as the geographical, ecological and socio- economic context, and that could be applied elsewhere in similar circumstances;
* “Best practice projects” meaning projects that apply appropriate, cost-effective, state- of-the-art techniques, methods and approaches taking into account the specific context of the project;
* “Information, awareness and dissemination projects” meaning projects aimed at supporting communication, dissemination of information and awareness raising in the fields of the sub-programmes Environment and Climate Action

Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals

* Eligibility:
– Be a legal person registered in the European Union;
– Be a public body, a private commercial organisation or a private non-commercial organisation (including non-governmental organisation, NGO)


* There is no fixed minimum size for project budgets

* Co-financing rate: up to 55% of the total eligible costs

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