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LIFE – Integrated Projects – 2020

Grants for project for the environment and climate action

138 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors All sectors Health
Regions European Union

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Priorities and funded actions

– Sub-programme for environment: 
* Nature IPs shall contribute towards achieving, in particular, target 1 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy and the general objectives of the Habitats and Birds Directives;
* Water IPs shall support the targeted implementation of measures that will deliver progress towards achivement of Water Framework Directive good status/potential objectives, in line with RBMP established in Member States pursuant to the Water Framework Directive; 
*  Waste IPs shall be designed to support the application, development, testing and demonstration of integrated approaches for the implementation of the WMPs as required by article 28 of the Waste Framework Directive and/or WPP as requested by article 29 of the Waste Framework Directive; 
* Air IPs shall be designed to support support the application, development, testing and demonstration of integrated approaches for the implementation and monitoring of local and regional AQPs as defined by Directive 2008/50/EC with the ultimate goal of contributing to the National Air Pollution Reduction Programmes

– Sub-programme for climate action: 
* Climate change adaptation IPs aim to implement climate change adaptation strategies or plans addressing specific climate change vulnerabilities (e.g. coastal areas, drought or flood prone areas) or vulnerable sectors (e.g. water, agriculture, forestry, public health), using ecosystem-based approaches where relevant; 
*  Urban climate change mitigation and/or adaptation IPs  shall support the targeted implementation of urban action plans pioneering the transition to a low carbon and/or climate resilient society

Additional informations
* This call is a closed call for proposal. In first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated

* Initial duration of the action : 6 to 10 years

* Eligibility:
– Be a legal person;
– Be a public body or a private commercial organisations or a private non-commercial organisations (including NGOs)


* Indicative budget per lot: 
– Sub-programme for environment: 103 million euro
– Sub-programme for climate action: 35 million euro

* Co-financing rate : up to 60% of the total eligible costs

* Amount of the grant of the grant : up to 10 million euro

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