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NDICI – Civil Society Organisation (CSO) Thematic Programme and Human Rights and Democracy (HRD) Thematic Programme in Indonesia – 2023

Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - Civil Society Organisation (CSO) Thematic Programme and Human Rights and Democracy (HRD) Thematic Programme in Indonesia aiming at strengthening CSOs as independent actors of good governance and development, aiming to contribute to an inclusive, participatory, empowered, and independent civil society and democratic space that upholds human rights and fundamental freedoms.

9.2 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Citizenship & Human Rights Cooperation & Development Environment & Climate
Beneficiaries Association & NGO EU & International Organisation

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To strengthen CSOs as independent actors of good governance and development, aiming to contribute to an inclusive, participatory, empowered, and independent civil society and democratic space that upholds human rights and fundamental freedoms
  • To increase capacities of CSOs and establish an enabling environment for Indonesian CSOs to address poverty, inequality, and promote a just green transition (LOT 1)
  • To strengthen the resiliency, inclusiveness and democratic values in Indonesia based on the respect for all human rights, and duly recognising the dignity, value and importance of each individual in Indonesia (LOT 2)


  • LOT 1 Civil Society Organisation Thematic Programme:
    • Priority 1: To promote an enabling environment for CSOs to better contribute to sustainable development, governance reforms, and gender equality in Indonesia
    • Priority 2: To promote a just transition towards clean energy and sustainable land use
  • LOT 2 Human Rights and Democracy Thematic Programme:
    • Priority 1: Countering the misuse and abuse of digital technologies to the detriment of human rights and democracy whilst at the same time taking advantage of its opportunities to promote democracy and to protect human rights
    • Priority 2: Enhanced freedom of expression, access to information online and offline and pluralism, including through inclusive and sustainable support measures for journalists, especially women journalists, and whistle-blowers to protect them from harassment and threats
    • Priority 3: To promote non-discrimination principle of women and girls and/or children and youth and/or LGBTI
      individuals and/or persons with disabilities and/or persons belonging to religious minorities and/or traditional communities through enforcement and adoption of equality and non-discriminatory laws, policies and practices
    • Priority 4: Protection of human rights defenders including women human rights defenders

Among financed actions

  • Support CSOs efforts to claim space for CSOs participation in policy dialogue with national and local authorities, representing and voicing the concerns of people in vulnerable and marginalised situations, and hold governments to account
  • Support CSOs’ monitoring and watchdog efforts around land use, forests13 and energy policies and investments
  • Support to specific actions to counter the possible abuse and misuse of digital and new technologies against human rights defenders and civil society at large
  • Support to capacity building activities for human rights defenders and CSOs active in human rights and democracy relevant to the priority issues

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated.
  • Initial duration of the action:
    • LOT 1 – Civil Society Organisation Thematic Programme: between 36 and 48 months
    • LOT 2 – Human Rights and Democracy Thematic Programme: between 24 and 36 months


  • Be a legal person
  • Be a non-profit making entity
  • Be a : Civil Society Organisation and/or its associations (LOT 1)
  • Be a: Non-governemental civil society organisation (LOT 2)
  • Total budget of the call: 9.2 million euro
    • Lot 1 Civil Society Organisation Thematic Programme: 7.8 million euro
    • Lot 2 Human Rights and Democracy Thematic Programme: 1.4 million euro
  • Amount of the grant:
    • Lot 1 Civil Society Organisation Thematic Programme: between 1.2 million euro and 2 million euro
    • Lot 2 Human Rights and Democracy Thematic Programme: between 500.000 and 700.000 euro
  • Co-financing rate: between 50% and 95% of the total eligible costs

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