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NDICI – Strengthening Civil Society Organisations – 2023

Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - Strengthening Civil Society Organisations aiming at consolidating and supporting democracy, the rule of law and human rights, supporting civil society organizations, consolidating stability and peace, and addressing other global challenges, including migration and mobility, at the global level.

590.000 euro

Appeal framework

Call reference EuropeAid/177973/DH/ACT/Multi
Program Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument
Institution European Commission
Sectors Citizenship & Human Rights Cooperation & Development Environment & Climate
Beneficiaries Association & NGO

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Priorities and funded actions


Lot 1 – Gender Equality and Women & Children’s Rights

  • To protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law in Suriname
  • To strengthen and increase participation of CSOs to promote Human Rights and Gender Equality in Suriname

Lot 2 – CSOs as actors of good governance and development

  • To strengthen CSOs in Suriname independent actors of good governance and development in their own right and to contribute to an inclusive, participatory, empowered and independent civil society and democratic space and an inclusive and open dialogue with and between Civil Society Organisations
  • To enhanced transparency and accountability in the natural resources sector (including public institutions) through CSO involvement in forest partnership activitie
  • To promote the rights of the Maroon and Indigenous peoples as a driving force in sustainable development and forest management and Green Deal Initiatives


Lot 1 – Gender Equality and Women & Children’s Rights

  • Priority 1: enhancement of preventive and response measures with strong focus on the structural drivers of Gender Based Violence and to reach out to mothers, young women, teenage girls and boys to encourage sustained transformational change
  • Priority 2: promotion of Human Rights and gender equality and to address discrimination, in law and in practice
  • Priority 3: support the eradication of child labour, child sexual abuse and child trafficking
  • Priority 4: indigenous peoples and other minority rights

Lot 2 – CSOs as actors of good governance and development

  • Priority 1: to provide relevant empowering capacity-building to the community based organisations to enable them to respond to needs of their peoples and communities and to strengthen them as actors of good governance, both at the local and national levels
  • Priority 2 : to support the socio-economic, and human rights (land rights) of the Marrons and indigenous peoples.

Among financed actions

  • Action that will serve to increase the number and types of CSOs tackling country priorities such as women’s rights, gender equality, indigenous and tribal peoples’ rights
  • Action that will address Children’s rights and related issues, including teenage pregnancy and child sexual abuse, child labour, trafficking in persons
  • Actions that will support the protections of land rights of the Maroons and Indigenous Peoples
  • Actions that will prevent illegal logging and illegal mining

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated.
  • Initial duration of the action: between 24 and 36 months


  • Be a legal person or a natural person
  • Be non-profit-making entity
  • Be a non-governmental organisation/civil society organisation/community based organisations
  • Total budget of the call: 590.000 euro
  • Total budget of the topic:
    • Lot 1: 200.000 euro
    • Lot 2: 390.000 euro
  • Amount of the grant:
    • Lot 1: between 180.000 and 200.000 euro
    • Lot 2: between 300.000 and 390.000 euro
  • Co-financing rate: between 60% and 95% of the total eligible costs

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