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NDICI – Support and capacity building of civil society and human rights organisations in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea – 2023

Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - Support and capacity building of civil society and human rights organisations in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea aims to strengthen actions for the protection and promotion of democracy, human rights, rule of law, gender equality and fundamental freedoms.

4.665 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Citizenship & Human Rights Civil Protection & Risks Cooperation & Development Culture, Media & Communication
Beneficiaries Association & NGO Media & cultural organisation

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To support and strengthen civil society in its actions to protect and promote democracy, human rights, rule of law, gender equality and fundamental freedoms in Equatorial Guinea
  • To strength the commitment and capacity of local CSOs and independent media to participate in local and national political dialogue (Lot 1)
  • To strength the capacity of civil society to effectively enforce the rule of law and the principle of habeas corpus (Lot 2)


  • Priority 1: Actions targeting the most vulnerable and at-risk populations in the country
  • Priority 2: Partnership between several actors to ensure experience/knowledge of the area of intervention, and proven expertise in the proposed area of intervention
  • Priority 3: Complementarity and good coordination with actions funded by other EU instruments and programmes (including the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund)
  • Priority 4: Protection of the environment and the fight against climate change

Lot 1 – Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)

  • Priority 1: Actions to strengthen the multidimensional capacities of local CSOs

Lot 2 – Human Rights

  • Priority 1: Actions closely linked to the overall principles and values of promoting democracy, good governance, the rule of law and respect for human rights, in accordance with international and regional conventions
  • Priority 2: Actions targeting human rights activists and defenders
  • Priority 3: Actions targeting media that promote human rights and the opening of spaces for dialogue between CSOs and human rights defenders

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated.
  • Initial duration of the action: between 36 and 48 months


  • Be non-profit making
  • Be directly responsible, together with their co-applicants and affiliates, for the preparation and management of the action and not merely act as intermediaries
  • Total budget of the call: 4.655 million euro
    • Lot 1 – Civil Society Organisation: 3.325 million euro
    • Lot 2 – Promotion and protection of human rights: 1.33 million euro
  • Amount of the grant :
    • Lot 1 – Civil Society Organisation: between 800.000 and 1 million euro
    • Lot 2 – Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: between 500,000 and 660,000 euro
  • Cofinancing rate :
    • Lot 1 – Civil Society Organisation: minimum 80% of total eligible costs
    • Lot 2 – Promotion and Protection of Civil Society: up to 95% of total eligible costs

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