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Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions – Saving our Seas – Reducing the danger of munitions dumped in European seas – 2024

Pilot Projects & Preparation Actions (PPPA) - Pilot projects and preparatory actions (PPPAs) are new initiatives that are designed to test the feasibility of an action, and last not more than 2 or 3 years. They are designed to prepare new EU policies, legislation, programmes etc.

5.59 million euro

Appeal framework

Call reference PPPA-2024-MUNITIONS
Program Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions
Institution European Commission
Sectors Cooperation & Development Environment & Climate Research & Innovation Technology & Digital
Beneficiaries Association & NGO EU & International Organisation Large company (> 250 employees) Local Authority & Affiliated Entity Research centre & university Smes & Start-Ups (< 249 Employees) State administration & affiliated entities

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To develop the most environmentally friendly, comprehensive and efficient technologies and methods for the removal, disposal and/or neutralisation of munitions dumped at sea including by developing new technologies and methods and/or improving existing ones, such as those developed under other EU-funded projects
  • To test the new and/or improved technologies and methods in real (non-wartime) conditions, with a focus on the areas of the Baltic Sea that have been identified as priority areas for action, taking into account the results of prioritisation exercises carried out by other projects and initiatives
  • To support increased and timely access by stakeholders to the most appropriate technologies, methods, and personnel for clean-up of submerged munitions in sea basins around the EU
  • To support the transfer of technologies and methods to other sea basins around the EU, including the Black Sea and Azov Sea


  • Carry out an evaluation of the effectiveness and impacts of existing technologies and methodologies used to remove/neutralise/dispose of submerged munitions
  • Develop new technologies and methodologies and/or upgrades to existing ones to remove/neutralise/dispose of submerged munitions
  • Remove/neutralise/dispose of submerged munitions to carry out a full test of the new/improved technologies and methods in real conditions
  • Measurement of the impact of the improvements made on the performance of the technologies and methods
  • Develop tools and guidance, including at least best practices, recommendations and solutions, to address the problem of submerged munitions in other European sea basins
  • Specific activities to support the transfer of technology, specific tools and methods to the Black and Azov Seas


  • Be a legal person
  • Be a public or private entity
  • Be established in one of the eligible countries:
    • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories)
    • Ukraine
  • A consortium composed of at least 3 entities, established in at least 3 different eligible countries must be constituted
  • The participation of relevant private sector entities (from offshore industries, marine technology companies), research institutes, and public authorities is encouraged

Additional information

  • Initial duration of the action: between 36 and 48 months
  • Contact: CINEA-EMFAF-CALLS@ec.europa.eu


  • Total budget of the call: 5.59 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: maximum: 5.59 million euro
  • Funding rate: up to 80% of the total eligible costs


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