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PPPA – Inclusive web accessibility for persons with cognitive disabilities – 2020

Grants for projects which aim to fund Pilot projects (PP) and Preparatory Actions (PA) introducing new initiatives that might turn into standing EU activities and programmes.

800,000 euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Beneficiaries Media & cultural organisation
Regions European Union, Candidate countries, European Economic Area

EU Member States
EFTA and EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland
Candidate countries
Countries associated to Horizon 2020

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Priorities and funded actions

* Address common accessibility challenges that persons with cognitive disabilities encounter on websites or mobile applications, such as:
– Signing in or completing authentication processes;
– Entering data or filling out forms, avoiding and correcting errors;
– Accomplishing multi-stage tasks;
– Using complex interfaces and intricate navigation patterns;
– Processing information on cluttered pages, avoiding cognitive overload;
– Getting focussed on the task at hand, limiting interruptions, reminders, and changes in content;
– Stopping animations and auto-play videos or audios;
– Understanding text and graphics;
– Identifying key points from lengthy or heavy text based pages;
– Interpreting and processing numerical information, including managing dates;
– Finding information;
– Following instructions;
– Looking for help or support
* Pilot Projects may also propose the simplification or adaptation of web-authoring tools that persons with cognitive disabilities could use to create online content

* Priority will be given to proposals addressing most or all of the above accessibility challenges;
* Incorporating expertise from relevant social sciences and humanities disciplines (e.g. cognitive sciences, psychology, disability studies applied to the online environment);
* Addressing a wide spectrum of users and user needs ;
* Involving persons with cognitive disabilities ;
* Developing open-source or free-to-use solutions

Among financed actions
* Research and development of solutions drawing on Artificial Intelligence or other novel technologies to automatize the adaptation, personalisation and multi-modal delivery of content of websites and mobile applications in a way that facilitates the uptake and use of digital content and services by persons with cognitive disabilities;
* Research and development of solutions to automatize the simplification or adaptation of authoring tools that persons with cognitive disabilities could use to create content for websites and mobile applications;
* Research and development of solutions to adapt authoring tools to create content for websites and mobile applications that is accessible for persons with cognitive disabilities

Additional information 
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals

* Initial duration of the action: up to 12 months

– Be anon-profit organisation (private or public);
– Be a public authorities;
– Be a private companies;
– Be a international organisations;
– Be a universities and other educational institutions;
– Be a research centres


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