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PPPA – Preparatory Action “Cinemas as Innovation Hubs for Local Communities” – 2020

Grants for projects which aim to fund Pilot projects (PP) and Preparatory Actions (PA) introducing new initiatives that might turn into standing EU activities and programmes

1.5 million euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Beneficiaries Media & cultural organisation
Regions European Union

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Priorities and funded actions

* Support the creation of innovative cultural venues and empower cinemas to innovate and play a more important role in their local communities, within the security measures that the pandemic crisis has imposed;
* Support audience development activities encouraging cinemas to provide access not only to audiovisual content through all means, but also to other cultural content and services, as well as educational activities and/or entertainment activities for young audiences;
* To create an appetite for the best European audiovisual and cultural content (feature films, concerts, opera, TV series, animation, documentaries, heritage films, short formats and innovative content like VR) by attracting audiences to cultural hubs and by fully exploiting the potential of new technologies

* Rethinking the cinema experience in the aftermath of the pandemic crisis with a view of creating innovative cultural venues in particular with cooperation between cinemas and VOD platforms;
* Audience development and building communities through interactive experiences (offering a wide range of cultural and educational activities)

Amongst financed actions
* Cross-border cooperation projects among cinema operators, as well as between cinemas, VOD platforms or other cultural organisations;
* Curated and diverse cinema programming of at least 60% of European content (mainly from EU countries) from different genres and formats, embodying European cultural diversity; the programming should present a strong cultural value and might include among others: feature films, TV series, animation, documentaries, heritage films, short formats or innovative content like VR);
* Education activities (including debates or creative workshops also in on-line environment) on topics such as cinema, new audiovisual technologies (VR, cross media etc.) and other cultural activities or performing arts;
* Innovative actions that take into account the effects of the pandemic crisis and revitalising the cinema experience both in real and virtual dimension (i.e. collaboration with VOD platforms);
* Promotion and communication activities related to the action;
* Actions aiming at the creation and improvement of networks, exchanges of good practices;
* Financial support to third parties

Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals

* Initial duration of the action: upto 18 months 

* Eligibility:
– Proposals should be submitted by cinema exhibitors or cultural organisations, being any of the following applicants:
> Non-profit organisation (private or public);
> Profit making entities.
– Natural persons are not eligible;
– Only applications from legal entities established in EU Member States are eligible;
– In order to be eligible, a proposal must be submitted by a consortium composed of legal entities of which at least one is a cinema operator. The minimum number of partners is 3, coming from at least 3 different Member States




* Grant amount: up to 500,000 euros

* Co-financing rate: up to 70% of total eligible costs

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