Priorities and funded actions
- To harness the expertise of NGOs/CSOs to assist SMEs in their transition to more sustainable business models
Priority 1 – Enhancing interaction and improving collaboration between small and mediumsized enterprises and NGOs/CSOs active in the same region
Priority 2 – Strengthening or improving the environmental and social performance of the partner SMEs
Priority 3 – Boosting capacity and knowledge on sustainable business models across SMEs
Priority 4 – Contributing to the promotion of the benefits of sustainable business models among SMEs
Among financed actions
- Identification of sustainability challenges faced by SMEs and NGO/CSOs
- Assessment of potential sustainable business model(s) and options for adoption (including an action plan)
- Advisory services for the SMEs and/or NGOs/CSOs
- Organisation of technical trainings for the SMEs and/or NGOs/CSOs
- Analyses and studies (including on challenges and lessons learnt)
- Innovation and sustainability support (including consultancy on technology uptake)
- Development of promotional material and activities
- Community building activities
- Engagement with and promotion to other relevant actors/networks at regional/national/European level
Additional information
- This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
- Initial duration of the action: between 12 and 24 months
- Be legal entities (public or private bodies)
- Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least three eligible applicants (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities), and must comply with the following conditions:
- The coordinator must be an entity that is member of the Enterprise Europe Network. Entities who are in an ongoing grant agreement preparation for EEN membership in 2022-2025 but have not signed a grant agreement yet may submit an application under this action.
- The consortium partners must include at least one small and medium-sized enterprise and one CSO/NGO willing to collaborate on a project of common interest.
- The consortium must be composed of minimum three entities from a coherent geographic area part of one or more of the eligible countries indicated above.
- The consortium can include other entities such as:
- Additional small and medium-sized enterprises and CSOs/NGOs
- Regional or local public administration (such as municipality, city, region, etc.)
- Social economy actors
- Business support organisations
- Public agencies or bodies (such as environmental agencies, research agencies, etc.)