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SOCPL – Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations – 2021

To promote analysis and research on industrial relations at EU level.

4.15 million euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions Candidate countries, European Union
  • Candidate countries: Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.

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Priorities and funded actions


  • The role and contribution of industrial relations, including social dialogue at different levels;
  • The adaptation of social dialogue, in particular collective bargaining, to changes en employment and work related challenges;
  • Functionning and effects of coordination of collective bargaining across different levels and territories, including the role of collective bargaining systems in ensuring adequate minimum wages for all workers in the European Union, in light of the Commission proposal for a Directive on Minimum Wages adopted in 2020.


  • Analysis and research in the field of industrial relations;
  • Exchange of information and experience among the parties actively involved in industrial relations, with the aim of contributing to developing and reinforcing industrial relations structures in Europe;
  • Actions to disseminate above findings in publications, round tables, seminars, conferences, training measures and training tools.

Among financed actions:

  • Activities to further deepen the analysis on topics/key findings that were examined by the European Commission e.g. the chapters on social dialogue in Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) Reports;
  • Research activities on industrial relations and social dialogue, such as studies, surveys and other forms of data collection, monitoring exercises, action research;
  • Measures to enhance the collection and use of (comparative) information on industrial relations systems in EU Member States and Candidate Countries and on developments at European level;
  • Initiatives to promote awareness of effective industrial relations practices, at both national and European level, including by bringing together relevant actors such as academia, social partners and policy makers;
  • Measures to identify and exchange information in the area of industrial relations, including through the activities of networks between industrial relations parties and/or experts;
  • The actions contribute to future industrial relations analysis by the Commission, notably in the context of the European Semester and the employment and social development in Europe (ESDE) Reports.

Additional information:

  • This call proposal is an open call for proposal.
  • Initial duration of the action: between 12 and 24 months.


  • Be legal entities (public or private bodies);
  • Be established in one of the eligible countries.
  • Amount of the grant : Between 150, 000 and 650, 000 euros per project
  • Co-financing rate : Up to 90% of the total eligible costs

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