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Strengthening partnerships to advance social services provision and inclusive employment and skills in Albania/IPA 2019/ Phase II – 2023

Strengthening partnerships to advance social services provision and inclusive employment and skills in Albania/IPA 2019/ Phase II aiming at supporting inclusive employment and skills development for vulnerable groups

5.5 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Citizenship & Human Rights Cooperation & Development Employment
Beneficiaries Association & NGO EU & International Organisation
Regions Candidate countries, European Union

Countries eligible to the programme:

  • Albania

Action must take place in particular cities in Albania:

  • For Lot 1: Gjirokaster, Vore, Cerrik, Librazhd, Kavaje, Kurbin, Kukes, Kruje, Pogradec, Korce, Kamez, Vlore, Elbasan, Durres
  • For Lot 2: Prrenjas, Gjirokaster, Vore, Mallakaster, Cerrik, Librazhd, Shijak, Kavaje, Kurbin, Kukes, Kruje, Pogradec, Korce, Kamez, Vlore, Shkoder, Elbasan, Durres and Tirane

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To establish new or extend existing models of social care services, inclusive education and employability of groups at risk prioritized in the Local Social Plan of the municipality
  • To support inclusive employment and skills development for vulnerable groups


  • Priority 1: To support to establish and/or extend existing social care services at the municipal level
  • Priority 2: To support to establish and/or extend specialized social care services focused on specific needs and which may include more than one of the targeted municipalities
  • Priority 3: to increase employment opportunities for vulnerable groups
  • Priority 4: to improve access and quality of vocational skills development, career guidance and life skills training through provision of training, mentoring and coaching in close cooperation with the vocational schools, vocational training centres toward skills development
  • Priority 5: to promote and support accessibility and new models of supported employment for people with disabilities at the regional employment offices and outreach through active labour measures or similar measures

Among financed action

  • Actions that support municipal authorities and CSOs to provide social care services
  • Actions that support the establishment and operation of the Needs Assessment and Referral Units at the municipality level, introduction of case management practise and implementation of standards of social care services
  • Actions that support design and/or revision of Local Action Social Plans as relevant
  • Actions that support the well-functioning of the management information system on social services following the protocols and guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection
  • Actions that support networking, cooperative initiatives involving civil society organisations
  • Actions that support light renovation/ refurbishment/ purchase of supplies for facilities that provide educational, social and community care services
  • Actions that support light renovation/ refurbishment/ accessibility for people with disabilities/ purchase of supplies for facilities that provide educational and employment related services

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • In first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated.
  • Initial duration of the action: between 30 and 36 months


  • Be a legal person
  • Be non-profit-making
  • Be a relevant public mandated body of a Government Department of a European Union Member State
  • Be an International Organization (intergovernmental)
  • Be a non-profit making organisation, civil society organisation legally registered and operating in Albania.
  • The organization may also be from an EU member state or an official candidate country, legally registered and operating in Albania.
  • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary
  • Total budget of the call: 5.5 million euro
    • Lot 1: 2.8 million euro
    • Lot 2: 2.7 million euro
  • Amount of the grant:
    • Lot 1: 2.8 million euro
    • Lot 2: 2.7 million euro
  • Co-fiancing rate: between 60% and 90% of the total eligible costs

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