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Three Energy Compacts were announced by the European Commission at the UN High-Level Dialogue in New York

The Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, Frans Timmermans and Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson confirmed the EU’s aspiration to become a leader of the global efforts to achieve the universal energy access by 2030, accelerate the clean energy transition and bring the Green Deal effects all across the globe.

At the UN High-Level Dialogue on Energy, the European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, addressed to donors, International Financial institutions investors, with an appeal to convert roadmaps into concrete projects. The Commissioner announced the three UN Compacts that are expected to mobilize the investments in order to achieve the proclaimed goals and ensure a just, socially fair energy transition that leaves nobody behind.

  • Firstly, the EU, in cooperation with the International Energy Agency (IEA), pledged to prepare roadmaps to bring about zero-emission energy future for coal-dependent countries.
  • Secondly, the European Commissioner announced the Union’s intention to prepare, in cooperation with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the Regional Energy Transition Outlooks for Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. The Outlooks are to provide concrete policy recommendations to achieve SDG on Energy based on a thorough analysis and assessment of regions’ capacities and investment needs.
  • Thirdly, the Union also pledged to work with Denmark, Germany, IRENA and other partners on a Green Hydrogen Compact Catalogue to give a boost to green hydrogen across the five continents.

The declared Compacts will be strongly linked to the EU’s climate and energy priorities, in particular to the Green Deal and the EU package announced in July 2021.

Energy Transition: Commission announces three Energy Compacts at UN High-Level Dialogue in New York


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