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Europe Numérique – Un écosystème pour les jumeaux numériques dans les soins de santé – 2021

Le programme Digital Europe 2021-2027 vise à soutenir et à accélérer la transformation numérique de l'économie, de l'industrie et de la société européennes, à en faire profiter les citoyens, les administrations publiques et les entreprises de l'Union, et à améliorer la compétitivité de l'Europe dans l'économie numérique mondiale, tout en contribuant à réduire la fracture numérique dans l'Union et à renforcer l'autonomie stratégique de l'Union, grâce à un soutien holistique, intersectoriel et transfrontalier et à une contribution plus forte de l'Union.

5 millions d'euros

Cadre d'appel

Institution Commission Européenne
Bénéficiaires Tout bénéficiaire
Régions Balkans, Espace Economique Européen, Pays candidats, Pays méditerranéens, Union européenne

Pays associés au programme Europe Numérique et pays en cours de négociations pour un accord d’association et où l’accord prend acte avant la signature de la subvention sont également éligibles à la subvention.

Pour plus d’informations : Cliquez ici (EN)

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Priorités et actions financées


  • Establish multi-stakeholder data governance, an inventory of existing data platforms for manufacturing and a blueprint for manufacturing-specific modules that could contribute to the long-term convergence of existing and new data-related initiatives in manufacturing using the technical infrastructure of the data space;
  • Support the deployment of these data spaces for manufacturing, and propose sustainable business models and incentive schemes to motivate participants to share their data.


  • Priority 1: Contribute to the definition of the technical infrastructure for data sharing and reuse within the manufacturing sector and between relevant sectors;
  • Priority 2: Bring together existing national, regional and local data ecosystems and relevant stakeholders to combine efforts and define common principles for industrial data sharing and reuse of large data sets at EU level;
  • Priority 3: Enable the establishment of a data governance mechanism, with a detailed roadmap on how the embryonic data spaces for manufacturing should progressively evolve into a pan-European manufacturing data space and reach a very broad user base, in particular SMEs.

Among the actions funded

  • Development of a multi-stakeholder data governance scheme, bringing together stakeholders from the national, regional and local data ecosystem to jointly agree on data interoperability requirements and interfaces, as well as data federation models. The programme will also explore options for an existing or new governance body to ensure openness, compliance and evolution of these elements, in agreement with the private sector;
  • Proposing sustainable business models for data spaces that encourage data sharing and re-use by the private sector, such as data brokerage, data valuation, service bundling and pricing;
  • The development of an inventory of existing data platforms for manufacturing and a blueprint for manufacturing-specific modules that could contribute to the long-term convergence of existing and new data-related initiatives in manufacturing using the technical infrastructure of the data space;
  • The alignment of an agreed set of priority datasets and data themes, including real-time data, with the new Blueprint principles and standards.

Further information

  • This is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: between 12 and 24 months.


  • Legal entities (public or private entities);
  • A consortium composed of at least 3 independent entities, established in at least 3 different eligible countries must be formed.
  • Montant total de cet appel : 9 millions d’euros
  • Montant total pour ce topic : 5 millions d’euros
  • Montant de la subvention : 5 millions d’euros
  • Taux de co-financement : jusqu’à 100% du total des coûts éligibles

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