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ENI – Ukraine Civil Society Facility: advancing the role of civil society for better governance, human rights and culture – 2020

Grants for actions aiming at implementing the European Neighbourhood Policy

12.5 million euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union, European Economic Area, Balkans

EU Member States
EEA countries
Eastern Partnership countries

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Priorities and funded actions

* To promote sustainable development and improved environmental management in Ukraine, in light of the European Green Deal;
* To increase capacity and recognition of key stakeholders in the field of culture (civil society, local authorities, other public sector bodies) as drivers of local development;
* To increase the impact and sustainability of independent media (including via investigative journalism) to foster transparency and accountability;
* To promote the principles of public administration reform and sound public finance management towards a more effective governance;
* To advance the principles of the rule of law and sustainable reforms in the justice and law- enforcement sectors;
* To advance human rights and protect its defenders;
* To strengthen think tank’s consultative and monitoring roles in the implementation of the EU – UA Association Agreement

* Lot 1. Sustainable development and improved environmental management in Ukraine, in light of the European Green Deal
– Better and more transparent environmental governance;
– Increased identification, understanding and awareness of different stakeholders in Ukraine, including their roles at regional and local level in Ukraine;
– Increased awareness and understanding of the role that Ukraine’s commitments on energy, climate and environment (as presented the Association Agreement) play for achieving sustainable development on the long run

* Lot 2. Recognition of key stakeholders in the field of culture (civil society, local authorities, other public sector bodies) as drivers of local development
– A sustained cooperation between civil society organisations, public sector and local authorities, together with private sector organisations for sustainable revitalisation of cultural heritage sites;
– Utilisation of cultural heritage and modern culture as a driver for local development;
– Content creation and distribution to promote critical thinking, peace-building, community reconciliation and democratic values;
– Developing resilience and adaptivity of local cultural scene and local cultural heritage through cross-sectorial partnerships, sustainable approaches to institutional capacity, novel delivery and funding models

* Lot 3. Sustainability of independent media (including via investigative journalism) to foster transparency and accountability
– Stronger internal governance and sustainable financing of media outlets; increased resilience of media against external pressures and growing audience confidence;
– Qualitative and trustworthy investigative journalism available to citizens

* Lot 4. Public administration reform and sound public finance management for a more effective governance
– Advancement of public administration reform in Ukraine, (as understood through the Public Administration Reform Principles) including sound public financial management;
– A conducive environment for pursuing accountability within the public administration; respect for the rights of citizens to participate in decision making, fair treatment by administrative services and access to public information

* Lot 5. To advance the principles of the rule of law and sustainable reforms in the justice and law- enforcement sectors
– Increased trust justice and law-enforcement; access to justice and the quality of justice services, in particular for vulnerable groups;
– Enhancing the independence, transparency, accountability, professionalism and efficiency of courts, judicial governance bodies, the Public Prosecution Office, law-enforcement agencies and the Bar Association

* Lot 6. Advance human rights and protect its defenders
– Upholding social and economic rights including land and property rights, pension rights, administrative rights (right to possession of administrative documents) across the country, with a particular reference to conflict-affected local communities in eastern Ukraine and IDPs;
– Defending digital human rights, by protecting freedom of expression, right to privacy, safety on the internet, with particular reference to human rights defenders (HRDs) and victims of human rights violations; to monitor laws for potential human rights violations in the digital domain;
– Combating all forms of discrimination and promote equality, including gender equality and equality for persons belonging to minorities and vulnerable groups, including in Crimea

* Lot 7. Strengthening think tank’s consultative and monitoring roles in the implementation of the EU – UA Association Agreement
– Increased technical expertise, analytical skills and coordination of civil society, in particular Ukrainian think tanks, around issues concerning the implementation of selected aspects of the EU – Ukraine Association Agreement; constructive dialogue with relevant stakeholders;
– Increased awareness of the benefits of Association Agreement and close EU-UA cooperation in both EU and Ukraine

Amongst financed actions
* Training and other capacity building activities (eg coaching, mentoring, peer-to-peer networking) of civil society, public servants and/ or other key stakeholders;
* Providing specific services: legal, consultative, IT related, design, communication, administrative, research – that contribute to the realisation of the action;
* Awareness raising and outreach campaigns, engagement and coalition building, community mobilisation, public-private partnerships;
* Policy, social and legal research; policy development and advocacy;
* Organising conferences, public debates, expert discussions – including online (webinars, non- conferences);
* Preparing shadow reports, monitoring reports;
* Innovative self-standing pilot activities, and subsequent evaluation;
* Making available public spaces for debate, reflection, co-creation and innovation;
* Providing financial support to third parties, in forms suitable to the design of the proposed action (grants – operating or action, in-kind contributions, prizes etc)

Additional information
* This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In the first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated

* Initial duration of the action: between 24 and 36 months

* Eligibility:
– Lot 1:
> Be a legal person;
> Be non-profit-making;
> Be a civil society organisation or a public local authority;
> Be established in Ukraine;
> Consortia: at least two co-applicants

– Lot 2:
> Be a legal person;
> Be established in Ukraine;
> Be non-profit-making;
> Be a civil society organisation or public cultural institution or local authority;
> Consortia: between 1 and 4 co-applicants

– Lot 3:
> Be a legal person;
> Be non-profit-making;
> Be a civil society organisation;
> Be established in Ukraine or;
> Be registered in an EU/EEA Member State or Eastern Partnership country;

– Lot 4:
> Be a legal person;
> Be non-profit-making;
> Be a civil society organisation or their platforms, networks and consortia;
> Be established in Ukraine or;
> Be registered in an EU/EEA Member State or Eastern Partnership country;
> Consortia: between three and ten co-applicants

– Lot 5: 
> Be a legal person;
> Be established in Ukraine;
> Be non-profit-making;
> Be a civil society organisation or;
> Be an international organisation;
> Consortia: between three and ten co-applicants

– Lot 6:
> Be a legal person;
> Be non-profit-making;
> Be a civil society organisation;
> No nationality restriction applies to lead applicants and, if any, to co-applicants and affiliated entities;
> Consortia: between three and ten co-applicants

– Lot 7:
> Be a legal person;
> Be non-profit-making;
> Be a civil society organisation or their platforms, networks and consortia;
> Be established in Ukraine or;
> Be registered in an EU/EEA Member State or Eastern Partnership country;
> Consortia: between three and ten co-applicants


* Indicative allocation of funds by lot:
– Lot 1: 3 million euros
– Lot 2: 3 million euros 
– Lot 3: 1 million euros
– Lot 4: 1 million euros
– Lot 5: 1,5 million euros 
– Lot 6: 1 million euros
– Lot 7: 2 million euros

* Grant amount: 
– Lot 1. Sustainable development and improved environmental management in Ukraine, in light of the European Green Deal: between 400,000 and 800,000 euros
– Lot 2. Recognition of key stakeholders in the field of culture (civil society, local authorities, other public sector bodies) as drivers of local development: between 400,000 and 1 million euros
– Lot 3. Sustainability of independent media (including via investigative journalism) to foster transparency and accountability: between 400,000 and 600,000 euros
Lot 4. Public administration reform and sound public finance management for a more effective governance: between 600,000 and 1 million euros
– Lot 5. To advance the principles of the rule of law and sustainable reforms in the justice and law- enforcement sectors: between 400,000 and 700,000 euros
– Lot 6. Advance human rights and protect its defenders: between 150,000 and 350,000 euros
Lot 7. Strengthening think tank’s consultative and monitoring roles in the implementation of the EU–UA Association Agreement: between 1 and 2 million euros

* Co-financing rate: between 60% and 90% of the total eligible costs

Test your eligibility

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