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CERV – Call for proposals limited/restricted to National Roma Contact Points – 2022

The Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme aims to sustain and develop open, rights-based, democratic, equal and inclusive societies based on the rule of law, to protect and promote rights and values as enshrined in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

1.9 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To foster the implementation of the EU Roma strategic framework on equality, inclusion and participation (EURSF) in the Member States.


  • Priority 1: To advance the institutional development and capacity of the National Roma Contact Points for Roma equality, inclusion and participation (NRCPs) in their role of facilitating national consultation processes, particularly through reforming and strengthening their established National Roma Platforms (NRPs).

Among financed activities

  • Mapping of all relevant stakeholders working on Roma equality, inclusion and participation and assessing the need and opportunity to include them in the National Roma Platform in order to increase representation and accountability;
  • Actions to set up and reinforce national Roma platforms, involving all relevant stakeholders (with particular attention to empowerment of women and youth), with a focus on implementing and monitoring National Roma Strategic Frameworks (NRSFs) for equality, inclusion and participation;
  • Meetings, working groups, seminars, events at national, regional or local levels, with discussion on topics such as the horizontal and sectoral objectives of the EURSF;
  • Awareness-raising, dedicated discussion of the results of the Roma Civil Monitoring up to 2025 on the implementation of NRSFs for equality, inclusion and participation;
  • Evaluation and review of NRSFs; and Roma inclusion measures, exchange and transfer of practices that proved effective at the all levels;
  • Transnational exchange between different National Roma Platforms to promote policy learning and transfer of good practices;
  • Exchange and participation of the nominated representative of the National Roma Platform in preparatory meetings on the European Platform for Roma Inclusion.

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. Only National Roma Contact Points can participate in it.
  • Initial duration of the action: between 12 and 24 months.


  • Be legal entities (public or private bodies);
  • Be National Roma Contact Points, with only one application per Member State being accepted;
  • The application must involve only the National Roma Contact Point (no partners).
  • Amount of the grant: up to 200,000 euro
  • Co-financing rate: up to 90% of the total eligible costs

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