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CF – Support for information measures relating to the EU Cohesion policy – 2021

To contribute to interventions in the field of the environment and trans-European networks.

5 million euros

Appeal framework

Sectors Transport
Regions European Union

EU members states

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Priorities and funded actions

*To promote and foster a better understanding of the role of Cohesion policy insupporting all EU’s regions;
*To increase awareness of projects funded by the EU – through Cohesion policy in particular – and of their impact on people’s lives;
*To disseminate information and encourage an open dialogue on Cohesion policy, its results, its role in delivering on the EU’s political priorities and on its future;
*To encourage civic participation in matters related to Cohesion policy and to foster citizens’ participation to setting priorities for the future of this policy.

Among fianced actions
* To increase media coverage on Cohesion policy, in particular at regional level;
* To enhance people’s awareness of the results of Cohesion policy and their impact on their lives;
* To achieve concrete outputs and deliverables aimed at wide outreach within the measure’s duration – e.g. TV and radio broadcast, online or print coverage, other type of information measures and dissemination – taking multilingualism into account;
* To establish an efficient and effective collaboration between the European Commission and the grant beneficiaries.

Additional information 
* This call of proposals is an open call of proposals
* Itinial duration of the action: 12 months 

* Eligibility:
− media organisations/news agencies (television, radio, written press, online media, new media, combination of different media);
− non-profit organizations;
− universities and educational institutions;
− research centres and think-tanks;
− associations of European interest;
− private entities;
− public authorities (national, regional and local), with the exception of the authorities in charge of the implementation of Cohesion policy in accordance with Art 123. of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013.


* Total amount of the grant: A maximum of 300.000 euros
* Co-financing rate: up to 80% of the total eligible costs

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