Priorities and funded actions
* Promote the cooperation between non-formal/informal education and the music sector with the aim to foster social inclusion, i.e. access to music for less advantaged children or community involvement;
* Develop a small-scale project with a clear European added value, that is suitable for the exchange of good practices and could lead to a knowledge transfer for similar projects in other countries
* Implementation of at least 8 innovative approaches to informal/non-formal music education and learning to foster social inclusion;
* Demonstration of best-practice examples on how the cooperation between the education and the music sector on informal/non-formal music education can foster social inclusion, i.e. to allow children to have access to musical education and learning that would otherwise not have this opportunity;
* Fostering sustainable forms of co-operation (e.g. creation of networks) with a European dimension;
* Testing ideas for targeted support to music education within the next generation of EU funding programmes after 2020;
* Contribution to developing ideas for music education as part of a European sectorial approach on music
Among financed actions
* Organisation of common learning tools such as workshops, summer schools or camps;
* Use of audio-visual or digital tools ;
* Preparation and participation at a musical activity in the framework of, inter alia, a community project, a show, a parade or a festival
Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
* Initial duration of the action : up to 15 months
* Eligibility:
– Be a profit or non-profit public or private organisation with legal personality;
– To have their registered legal office in one of the EU Member States or non-EU countries participating in the Creative Europe programme Culture;
– Be an established entity, organisation, provider or a partnership demonstrating relevant expertise regarding the education and the music sectors and with knowledge and capacity to organise innovative projects with a European dimension
* The action must take place in an eligible country
* Amount of the grant: up to 30,000 euro for at least 8 proposals
* Cofinancing rate: up to 80% of the total eligible costs