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DCI – Support and Strengthen Civil Society Organizations in Gabon – 2020

Strengthen Civil Society Organisation (CSO) and local authorities (LA) capacities in Gabon, to support citizen participation in State policies, to enhance their responsabilities and their inclusive decision making, to allow them to contribute to poverty and inequalities reduction, and to achieve sustainable and inclusive local development, answering to citizens' expectations.

804.258 euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions Africa-Carribean-Pacific


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Priorities and funded actions

*To increase the capacities of civil society as a recognized actor in democratic governance processes, so that it can contribute effectively to the national process of sectoral dialogue relating to public development policies.

* Increase the capacity of civil society as a recognized actor in democratic governance processes, so that it can contribute effectively to the national process of sectoral dialogue on public development policies.

Among financed actions
* For lot 1: 
– Actions to combat violence against women
– Information and awareness campaigns on gender equality, violence, early pregnancies
– Actions to promote women’s literacy, promotion of women’s empowerment 
– Transparent management of public finances and fight against corruption
– Gestion transparente des ressources naturelles et lutte contre le changement climatique
* For lot 2 Covid-19: 
– Awareness-raising actions to improve the hygiene conditions of vulnerable communities
– Actions to promote and communicate basic health care and first aid activities
– Actions to promote and communicate basic health care and first aid activities – Restoration of access to drinking water, sanitation, construction of latrines and hygiene education actions
– Training of community health workers and volunteers, support actions for communities to reduce their vulnerability in health emergencies and strengthen their response capacity
– Income-generating activities, support for food security and family businesses

Complementary informations
*This call of proposals is an open call of proposals
* Initial duration of the action: Between 24 and 48 months 

– Be a legal person and have no profit gaols;
– Be a civil society organization (CSO) or from an CSO network / association;
– Be established in Gabon, or in a member state of the European Union; or in the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA);
– Être directement chargé de la préparation et de la gestion de l’action avec le ou les codemandeurs et l’entité ou les entités affiliées, et non agir en tant qu’intermédiaire;


*Indicative budget per lot / priority:
– Lot 1: 450.000 euros
– Lot 2 Covid-19: 354.000 euros

* Amount of the grant: between 150.000 and 300.000 euros
* Co-financing rate: up to 90% of the total eligible costs

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