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EU Civil Protection Mechanism – ECPP adaptation grant – 2021

The EUCP Mechanism aims to strengthen cooperation between the EU Member States and 6 other Participating States on civil protection to improve prevention, preparedness and response to disasters. Whenever an emergency overwhelms the response capabilities of a country in Europe and beyond, it can request assistance through the Mechanism.

6.5 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Energy Health
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries
Regions Candidate countries, European Economic Area, European Union

Eligible countries for the grant:

  • EU Member States;
  • Participating States in the UCPM: Iceland, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey.

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To increase the ability of the EU to respond to the disaster, through a strengthened European emergency preparedness and response to COVID-19 and other health related emergencies;
  • To geographically position ECPP capacities to allow for quick and effective deployment to different risk prone areas.


  • Priority 1: develop multi-purpose COVID-91 and other health related capacities such as EMT, MEVAC, CBRNDET modules and ORCs;
  • Priority 2: submit proposals improving response capacities, in particular terrestrial and waterbone evacuation means for patients, intensive care units, specialized care teams and mobile and transportable testing or vaccinations assets;
  • Priority 3: identify and propose activities that make the response capacity more digital and greener;
  • Priority 4: address gender differences and the needs of people living with disabilities.

Among financed actions

  • Activities related to improved autonomy and self-sufficiency of the respective module, TAST or other response capacity;
  • Activities related to a faster transportability, e.g. lighter equipment, solutions to reduce volume by new containers and packaging equipment, EU standardised pallets;
  • Activities related to enhanced safety and security, e.g. personal protection equipment or other personal equipment;
  • Activities related to communication tools, e.g. satellite communication equipment, ICT equipment and relevant applications, radios;
  • Activities related to interoperability and enhanced readiness for deployment, e.g. training, including “train the trainers”, in view of enlarged roster of staff, development and translation of standard operating procedures, IT tools for registration of the staff on roster, and individual internal team drills;
  • Activities linked to forming multinational response capacities, e.g. workshops, trainings, development of common methodologies or standards, common standard operating procedures;
  • Activities specifically related to the certification process that cannot be covered by or are not undertaken as part of other EU-funded activities, e.g. obligatory training courses that are not available under the UCPM training programme, exercises that are not part of MODEX or other types of exercises co-financed by the UCPM.

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: maximum 24 months.


  • Be a legal entity (public or private);
  • Be established in one of the eligible countries.
  • Amount of the grant: 6.5 million euro.
  • Co-financing rate: 75% of the total eligible costs.

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