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EU4Health – Action grants for the EU Network of Youth Cancer Survivors – 2021

The EU4Health Programme aims at improving human health throughout the Union and ensuring a high level of protection of human health in all Union policies and activities.

5 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Health
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries
Regions Balkans, Candidate countries, Caucasus, Developing countries, European Economic Area, European Union, Mediterranean countries
  • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories linked to it (OCTs))
  • Eligible non-EU countries:
    • EEA countries
    • Countries associated to the EU4Health Programme (third countries, candidate countries and potential candidate countries, neighbourhood countries)
    • Countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To create a Union wide platform to support the promotion of targeted actions and initiatives, covering
    the main areas which are of demonstrated benefit to improve the quality of life of young cancer survivors;
  • To influence childhood cancer survivors’ participation in social networking and programmes tailored to their needs, such as the resources accessed by individuals through a broad range of social connections (‘social capitals of individuals’), social support, family interaction, self-efficacy and self-reported quality of life



  • Priority 1: Expansion of the current support to improve the quality of life of young cancer survivors through networking, targeted actions, linking with existing organisations at Union and international level, and through highly visible periodical events to show the impact of the work done, and the future challenges;
  • Priority 2: Improve communication between children and adolescent cancer survivors, formal and informal carers, and civil society, and will strengthen the knowledge on how to better recognise the risk of getting cancer, and how to make a difference in the lives of young people with cancer and survivors, and allow them to learn how to become an advocate to bring key messages and knowledge on cancer survivorship to civil society


Among financed activities

  • Preparatory activities (meetings and parallel consultations)
  • Launch of the EU Network
  • Ad hoc missions/webinars/workshop, with the direct involvement of EU Network delegates and ‘Ambassadors’
  • First general assembly of the Network


Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
  • Initial duration of the project: 18 months



  • Be legal entities (public or private bodies) created under Union law or an international organisation, or;
  • Be established in one of the eligible countries;
  • Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least 3 entities from 3 different eligible countries
  • Amount of the grant: up to 5 million euro per project
  • Co-financing rate: between 60% and 80% of the total eligible costs

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