Priorities and funded actions
* To support actions implemented by civil society (local civil society organisations, international non-governmental organisations) in conflict-affected contexts to strengthen their institutional, operational and networking capacity.
* Priority 1 : Lot 1 – Mediation, dialogue and confidence building measures
* Priority 2 : Lot 2 – Transitional justice and peace-building
Among financed actions
Lot 1 – Mediation, dialogue and confidence building measures :
* Research and conflict analyses aiming to provide a better understanding of a conflict’s dynamics as well as opportunities to establish dialogue, cooperation and confidence-building measures;
* Capacity building and accompaniment of “inside mediators” to lead or take part in dialogue processes, to develop peace-building strategies and to engage and inform track 2 and track 1 mediation processes;
* Initiatives aiming to promote inclusiveness of peacebuilding processes and political transition settlements, including through the capacity building and accompaniment of women and youth organisation as well as ethnic and religious groups;
* Engagement with influential stakeholders in conflict settings, such as security and military actors, local and national authorities, religious and traditional leaders, economic actors, in order to secure a space for dialogue, cooperation, protection of civilians, in order to raise their awareness and seek opportunities for their engagement in dialogue and confidence-building processes;
* Support to the implementation of conflict settlements provisions and to grassroots community mobilisation and cooperation across conflict divides, including through small grant schemes;
* Promotion of a culture of peace, tolerance and respect for diversity, through media activities, education, art, sport, cultural activities, or other kinds of public mobilisation initiatives;
* Lessons learning and peer exchanges at regional level aiming to mobilise expertise for dialogue, share good practices and experiences between civil society organisations, and to inform broader practices in the field of dialogue, mediation and confidence-building measures.
Lot 2 – Transitional justice and peace-building :
* Enhancing the role of civil society actors, including victims groups and with a particular emphasis to gender perspectives, in the design of inclusive transitional justice strategies from the outset as well as in the implementation of the resulting processes including in criminal trials, truth commissions and public decision-making on reparations policies and institutional reform;
* Strengthening the role of civil society in the monitoring of transitional justice strategies and processes including related advocacy activities;
* Supporting the documentation of violations/abuses and the collection of other relevant data including victims and missing persons lists, witness testimony;
* Facilitating outreach activities to victims and communities, in particular vulnerable groups including women, youth, people with disabilities, widows, victims of gender based violence, survivors, LGBTI people and ethnic or religious minorities, and their accompaniment to claim redress, providing them with legal assistance and psychosocial support, suited to their particular needs;
* Supporting transitional justice projects at grass roots level including informal truth seeking initiatives, preservation of memory, education, community and cultural outreach activities and context-specific dissemination efforts;
* Supporting traditional justice mechanisms to ensure justice is provided to conflict-affected communities in a fair manner and in respect of human rights;
* Supporting conflict-sensitive demobilisation and reintegration of former combatants into civilian life, notably through accompaniment of host communities.
Additional information
* This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated
* Initial duration of the action : between 24 and 36 months
* Eligibility :
– Be a legal person and
– Be non-profit-making and
– Be a civil society actor as defined in Article 1.3 of the IcSP Regulation No 230/2014
– Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary
– Actions must take place in one or more of the following country(ies):
(South-East Asia) Indonesia; Thailand; Timor-Leste; (Pacific) Fiji; Papua New Guinea; Solomon Islands.