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IPA – EU Support to Civil Society and Media Organisations in the Republic of North Macedonia – 2023

Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance - EU Support to Civil Society and Media Organisations in the Republic of North Macedonia aiming at strengthening the participatory democracy and the EU accession and approximation process in North Macedonia by empowering civil society and media organisations to contribute actively in the sector reforms in view of the EU integration process.

3.69 million euro

Appeal framework

Call reference EuropeAid/178565/DD/ACT/MK
Program Instrument for Pre Accession Assistance
Institution European Commission
Sectors Citizenship & Human Rights Cooperation & Development Environment & Climate Justice, Security, Defence Social Economy Technology & Digital
Beneficiaries Association & NGO

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To strengthen the participatory democracy and the EU accession and approximation process in North Macedonia by empowering civil society and media organisations to contribute actively in the sector reforms in view of the EU integration process
  • To provide support to civil society and media organisations in contributing towards the EU related reforms and, in particular, in the areas of environmental protection and climate change, freedom of speech and digital technologies, socio economic development and youth and advancing gender equality and women rights


  • Priority 1: Green agenda: environmental protection, Climate Change and Circular Economy
  • Priority 2: Socio-Economic Developmen, Job Creation and Youth
  • Priority 3: Freedom of speech and Digital technologies
  • Priority 4: Empowering Gender Equality and Women rights

Among financed actions

  • Activities to develop organisational, technical and advocacy capacities and internal governance systems of CSOs specialised on energy, waste management and/or circular economy
  • Activities for developing more structured cooperation, online and offline, between different youth organisations and the institutions to build or strengthen partnerships for improving the socio-economic conditions for citizens with a focus on remote areas
  • Activities forming platforms for regular dialogue, such as for example media community dialogue on press freedom and integrity issues
  • Activities for support to gender equality (women’s rights, women in decision-making, economic empowerment of women, fight against gender-based violence, etc.), access to justice and the rule of law

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated.
  • Initial duration of the action: between 30 and 36 months


  • Be a legal person
  • Be a non-profit making entity
  • Be a civil society organisation or a representative network of CSOs working on one or more thematic areas of relevance to this Call for Proposals
  • Total budget of the call: 3.69 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: between 250.000 and 350.000 euro
  • Cofinancing rate: between 60 and 90% of the total eligible costs

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