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JPI PRIMA – Agro-food Value Chain – 2020

PRIMA - Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area is the most ambitious joint programme to be undertaken in the frame of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.

8.8 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Health
Regions European Union, Mediterranean countries

Eligible countries:
* Some EU members states: Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia. It includes the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to these Member States;
* Third Countries associated to Horizon 2020 (AC): Israel, Tunisia, and Turkey;
* Third Countries not associated to Horizon 2020 (TC), having concluded international agreements for scientific and technological cooperation setting out the terms and conditions of their participation in PRIMA: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco

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Priorities and funded actions

* Innovative and integrated food system concept that connects production, transformation and consumption, in a sustainable and healthy way, thus paving the way for tackling growing challenges facing the Mediterranean populations;
* Developping innovative food products based on consumer-centred re-design of traditional Mediterranean recipes and ingredients;
* Considering the market receptivity for the developed products to predict the extent of the shift in the adherence to the Mediterranean diet consequent to its commercialization, according to the frequency of consumption in the target populations, based on its lifestyle determinants, such as socio-economic, physical activity, psychosocial and behavioural;
* Being in line with the development of national and/or regional strategies and policies to ensure the provision of healthy, safe and sustainable food products along the whole Agri-food value chain

* SDG 2: Prevalence of malnutrition (weight for height >+2 or * Optimized eco-friendly food processing technologies and tools to preserve the original nutritional value and enrich the valuable bioactive contents in the final food products, compared to conventional methods;
* Development of new value-added foods products/forms from traditional Mediterranean diet with proven health benefits, accompanied with proper understanding of the markets and high end-customers satisfaction and trust;
* Development of efficient national/regional strategies, addressing the critical gaps and valorising the potential opportunities in the Mediterranean countries nutrition policy and considering the socio-economic and health impacts, that balance the dietary habits of Mediterranean consumers and the sustainability of Agri-food resources;
* Contribution to improved dynamics of Mediterranean lifestyle (diet, physical activity and socio-cultural habits) as an important element of the Mediterranean cultural inheritance;
* The nutritional value of the developed food products should be at the centre of the process of valorisation of Mediterranean food product

Among financed actions
* Projects with a TRL between 6 and 7;
* Health-related high-quality food products with enhanced bioactive contents;
* Innovative solutions and technologies aimed to improve quality control mechanisms and techniques throughout Agri-food supply chains;
* Socio-cultural actions and strategies promoting the healthy Mediterranean food choices through appropriate information provision to consumers and policy makers

Additional information
* This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In the first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated

* Initial duration of the action: between 36 and 48 months

* Eligibility:
– Be a legal entity;
– Be an international European interest organization as defined in point (12) of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013;
– Be an international organization (IO) or any legal entity established in countries not listed above as PS will be eligible for funding provided

* The action must be implemented in an eligible country


* Amount of the grant: up to 2 million euro

* Cofinancing rate :
– 70% of the total eligible costs
– 100% for non-profit legal entities

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