25 August 2021
PPPA – Measuring the Cultural and Creative Sectors in the EU – 2020
Funds for: introducing new initiatives that might turn into standing EU activities and programmes
+33(0)1 42 54 60 64 |
Funds for: introducing new initiatives that might turn into standing EU activities and programmes
EU Member States
* 1/ Updated definition of CCS (and per sector): a scope of the ‘Cultural and creative sectors’ with a clear statistical definition of the CCS per single sector (including on-line services) should be proposed building on Eurostat’s already existing and planned work;
* 2/ New methodology for estimation and classification of on-line services: research should specifically propose and develop a new methodology for capturing and quantifying on-line services per sector whether these are paid services, or financed by advertising and by data. It should also describe how these will be classified under the sector specific definitions elaborated under point 1.;
*3/ Framework: the pilot project should build (taking into account existing and new data, and its own newly developed research) a methodology to allow better quantification of CCS and comparability at EU level of these data, as well as regular monitoring of the CCS in the EU;
* 4/ Updated figures on CCS: the developed methodology should be applied in order to show most updated economic figures on EU CCS, per single cultural sector and per single EU Member State.
Additional information
* This call is an open call for proposals.
* Initial duration of the action: up to 24 months
* Eligibility:
– To be :
> non-profit organisation (private or public);
> public authorities (national, regional, local);
> international organisations;
> universities;
> educational institutions;
> research centres;
> profit making entities.
– To be eligible, applicants must be a single entity with proven record of at least 5 years in specialised data/statistical analysis and or economic modelling, of which at least 2 years in CCS, or a consortium of which at least one of its members has proven expertise on economic data/statistics in the cultural and creative sectors of at least 5 years.
* Amount of the grant: 350,000 euros. The call budget will be allocated to one single project.
* Co-financing rate: up to 90%
25 August 2021