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PPPA – Preparatory Action on Media literacy for All – 2020

Grants for projects which aim to fund Pilot projects (PP) and Preparatory Actions (PA) introducing new initiatives that might turn into standing EU activities and programmes

500,000 euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union

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Priorities and funded actions

* To identify and catalogue techniques commonly used by malicious actors to create, distribute and amplify online disinformation, including the newest forms of manipulation of communication technologies;
* To catalogue and design/repurpose for wider sharing relevant educational materials in collaboration, where appropriate, with civil society and media organisations, online platforms, fact-checkers and/or academic researchers with a specific expertise in communication sciences, psychology, sociology, cognitive sciences or other relevant academic fields;
* To develop tools based on innovative pedagogic approaches, including gaming, creative uses of videoconferencing and other remote learning methodologies, to be used by trained teachers and educators for media literacy training;
* To develop educational modules targeted at different age, linguistic and/or cultural groups, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable segments of the population, to be used by trained teachers and educators;
* To design and deliver appropriate, replicable trainings/training materials to school teachers and/or educators active in out-of-school contexts including by innovative means such as those developed in the third bullet point above;
* To develop 1-2 use-cases on sharing of best practices among trainers of targeted communities;
* To contribute to fostering a media literacy ecosystem based on shared best practices across linguistic and cultural borders, including through the creation of, and/or collaboration with, open educational repositories

* Projects with a wide geographical coverage, with a particular focus on demographic segments of the populations and/or on geographic or social environments with lower level of media literacy skills

Amongst financed actions
* Creation of multilingual on-line material including fact-checked news repositories and interactive educational tools to improve the capacities of citizens to acquire a critical understanding of and ability to interact with the media and social media. Such actions should involve cooperation with relevant community organisations such as libraries, media outlets, online platforms, media literacy organisations, fact-checking and/or academic bodies with specific expertise on disinformation;
* Development of applications, tools and innovative methodologies to raise awareness about the danger of receiving and propagating disinformation, promote the use of fact- checking services and the reporting by social media users of possible instances of disinformation;
* Promotion of social media campaigns and other relevant activities aimed at helping citizens to interact with digital media in a critically evaluative way (e.g. citizens’ participation in debunking, etc.), deconstruct media communication and distinguish information from propaganda;
* Identification of best practice and efficient dissemination of the material created by the project. This can be achieved through the building of networks of practitioners who can act as multipliers of best practice;
* Community-led activities to tailor and make accessible the above-mentioned tools and materials to minorities, low-skilled people, digital immigrants (50+), immigrants or refugees, or people at risk of being socially marginalised;
* Training activities focused on media literacy practices, tools or materials addressed to trainers, educators and teachers, including sharing of best practices across linguistic, state and cultural borders

Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals

* Initial duration of the action: up to 12 months

* Eligibility:
– A grouping of entities (consortia);
– Proposals may be submitted by any of the following applicants or combinations of:
> Non-profit organisation (private or public);
> Public authorities (national, regional, local);
> International organisations;
> Universities;
> Educational institutions;
> Research centres;
> Profit making entities, e.g. media organisations
– Applicants must be established in one of the EU Member States;
– In order to be eligible, a proposal must be submitted by a consortium composed of legal entities from at least 3 different Member States taking the geographical balance into consideration


* Grant amount: the Commission expects to fund of 2 – 5 projects

* Co-financing rate: up to 60% of the total eligible costs

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