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CEF – CEF 2 Energy – Cross-border renewable energy projects – 2023

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) - The CEF program aims at promoting growth, jobs and competitiveness through infrastructure investment at European level.

50 million euro

Appeal framework

Call reference CEF-E-2023-CBRENEW
Program Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Institution European Commission
Sectors Buildings & Public Works Energy Environment & Climate Research & Innovation Technology & Digital Territorial Development Transport
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries

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Priorities and funded actions


To promote cross-border cooperation between Member States in the field of planning, development and the cost-effective exploitation of renewable energy sources, as well as facilitate their integration through energy storage facilities and with the aim of contributing to the Union’s long term decarbonisation strategy, completing the internal energy market and enhancing the security of supply.


  • Priority 1: To enable CB RES projects which have significant socioeconomic benefits to be implemented, within the framework of the renewable energy sector and in particular to support cross-border cooperation in the field of renewable energy
  • Priority 2: To support CB RES projects that do not receive adequate financing from the market and should maximise its added value towards uptake of renewable energy investments

Among financed actions

  • Preparatory, mapping, feasibility, evaluation, testing and validation studies
  • Purchase, supply and deployment of components, systems and services including software, the development, construction and installation activities relating to a CB RES project

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: up to December 12th 2028


  • Be a legal person
  • Be a public or private entity
  • Total budget of the call: 50 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: projects of any budget are admitted
  • Co-financing rate:
    • up to 50% for the costs of studies and works
    • up to 70% for the costs of works in outermost region

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