25 August 2021
COSME – Innovation uptake and digitalisation in the tourism sector – 2020
Grants for projects aimed at boosting the competitiveness of companies and SMEs.
+33(0)1 42 54 60 64 |
Grants for projects aimed at boosting the competitiveness of companies and SMEs.
States members of the European union
* To develop and put in place transnational and cross-ecosystem support schemes to build capacity for digital transformation, innovation and smart tourism solutions by SMEs in the tourism ecosystem
Priority 1: Boosting skills and knowledge transfer activities
Priority 2: Providing technical support activities related to incubation, acceleration and scaling-up of tourism SMEs
Priority 3: Providing direct financial support for capacity building in digitalisation, innovation and smart tourism to selected tourism SMEs.
Among financed actions
– Communication activities about the project’s objectives to reach out to potential SMEs and the project results;
– Selection of tourism SMEs for participation in the project’s support scheme;
– Coaching and mentoring services;
– Developing of digital solutions, platforms for knowledge and expertise sharing, and local community involvement;
– Reporting on the results of implemented capacity building activities and on the concrete uptake of digitalisation, innovative smart solutions and new technologies by tourism SMEs;
Additional information
* This call of proposals is an open call of proposals.
* Initial duration of the action: From 25 months and 36 months.
– non-profit organisations (private or public),
– non-governmental organisations,
– business support organisations,
– public authorities and public bodies at national, regional or local level and their networks or associations at European, international, national, regional and local level, or organisations acting on behalf of a public authority, responsible for or active in the fields of tourism, economic affairs, industry, business support or related fields,
– international organisations,
– private and profit making entities including micro, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) active in tourism and business support,
– chambers of commerce and industry,
– training and educational institutions, including universities and research centres active in tourism and business support.
* Amount of the grant: 1 million euro
* Co-financed rate: 75% of eligible costs
25 August 2021