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CREA – NEWS – Media literacy – 2024

Creative Europe - Creative Europe aims at preserving, developing and promoting European cultural and linguistic diversity and heritage and to increase the competitiveness and economic potential of the cultural and creative sectors, in particular the audiovisual sector.

2 million euro

Appeal framework

Program Creative Europe Programme (CREA)
Institution European Commission
Sectors Business & Industry Culture, Media & Communication Education & Training Research & Innovation Social Economy Technology & Digital
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To support to cross-cutting actions that support the news media sector, which shall promote media literacy in order to enable citizens to use, and develop a critical understanding of, the media and support knowledge sharing and exchanges on media literacy policies and practices
  • To encourage knowledge sharing and exchanges on media literacy policies
    and practices to enable the development of innovative cross-border media literacy initiatives and communities across Europe

Among financed actions

  • Creation and/or distribution of multilingual and/or multicultural material, including interactive content to improve the digital capacities of citizens and their understanding of the media landscape and their resilience against disinformation
  • Development of materials for citizens and trainers targeting all or any age and societal groups
  • Development of innovative media literacy solutions fit for the future media landscape
  • Training activities for citizens and educators, including sharing of best practices across linguistic, state and cultural borders
  • Organisation of public events and/or workshops to raise awareness and share best practices
  • Community-led activities to tailor and make accessible the above-mentioned
    tools and materials

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: 24 months


  • Be a legal person
  • Be a public or private entity
  • Total budget of the call: 2 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: up to 500.000 per project
  • Co-financing rate: 70% of the total eligible costs

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