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European Parliament – Co-Financing of Citizen’s Engagement Actions – 2023

European Parliament - Co-Financing of Citizen's Engagement Actions aiming at growing awareness among European citizens from as diverse public as possible about the role and democratic values of the EU.

3.95 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Citizenship & Human Rights Civil Protection & Risks Education & Training
Beneficiaries Association & NGO EU & International Organisation Media & cultural organisation Professional organisation & network Research centre & university Training organisation & school

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To grow awareness among European citizens from as diverse public as possible about the role and democratic values of the EU, provide understanding of the benefits that the EP provides, how EP affects our daily lives and why it is therefore important to vote by participating in the forthcoming EE24, also in the context of the together.eu community
  • To support increased non-partisan civic engagement of European citizens and organisations from as diverse groups as possible while promoting the idea of the importance of voting, thus encouraging active involvement (also as change-makers)


  • Priority 1: Build capacity and strategically engage with other civil society organisations and active citizens to support and facilitate their engagement activities and provide them with information and tools to effectively spread the message in favour of democratic participation in light of the forthcoming EE24
  • Priority 2: Raise awareness of citizens about the benefits brought by European parliamentary democracy, the powers the EP has to affect our daily lives, and why it is therefore important to vote in the EE24
  • Priority 3: Empower organisations and active citizens (change-makers) to increase participation in voting by mobilising their networks and communities further (through together.eu), as well as support and facilitate their initiatives
  • Priority 4: Support civil society organisations, change-makers and their networks and communities in the final voting phase

Among financed actions

  • Stablishing and facilitating regular contacts with together.eu change-makers in cooperation with EPLOs and encouraging regular contacts (cross-referencing) with other relevant networks
  • Connecting together.eu change-makers with schools in the European Parliament Ambassador School Programme (EPAS) programme in the region
  • Inviting and including together.eu change-makers as active participants to engagement activities such as training, events, workshops, citizens’ dialogues and any other form of offline or online interaction
  • Organising capacity-building activities (via engaging trainings, activity sessions and seminars) for together.eu change-makers, which would also allow them to exchange good practices
  • Supporting actions organised by together.eu change-makers by providing non-financial support, such as making available suitable venues for the organisation of a small-scale together.eu conference, a seminar or a meeting
  • Setting up dedicated “together.eu” corners, with promotional material, and a possibility to sign up to the together.eu platform on the spot
  • Providing change-makers with available EU publications (e.g brochures, pamphlets, educational materials) or information, including other available information resources, also for further dissemination
  • Providing off-site internet access where available
  • Providing contact details of EU bodies, institutions and agencies

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
  • Initial duration of the action: up to 18 months


  • Be a non-profit legal person (including small-scale civil society organisations as well as public and private stakeholders) constituted and registered as legal entity at the time of application
  • Be registered in the together.eu community as active members via the together.eu platform
  • Have no political affiliation
  • Total budget of the call: 3.95 million euro
  • Total budget of the topic:
    • Topic 1: EP-COMM-SUBV-NAT-E-2023-CHANGE-MAKERS: 3.1 million euro
    • Topic 2: EP-COMM-SUBV-NAT-E-2023-CIVIL-SOCIETY: 850.000 euro
  • Amount of the grant:
    • Topic 1: EP-COMM-SUBV-NAT-E-2023-CHANGE-MAKERS: up to 60.000 euro
    • Topic 2: EP-COMM-SUBV-NAT-E-2023-CIVIL-SOCIETY: Between 5.000 and 15.000 euro
  • Co-financing rate: up to 80% of the total eligible costs

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