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I3 – Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 2a – 2023

Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument - Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 2a aiming at providing financial and advisory support for demonstration activities, the commercialisation and upscaling of interregional innovation projects in shared or complementary smart specialisation areas, and the development of value chains in less developed regions.

31 million euro

Appeal framework

Call reference I3-2023-INV2a
Program Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument
Institution European Commission
Sectors Business & Industry Employment Research & Innovation Technology & Digital
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To provide financial and advisory support for demonstration activities, the commercialisation and upscaling of interregional innovation projects in shared or complementary smart specialisation areas, and the development of value chains in less developed regions
  • To develop innovation and valorise available research results in a specific value chain
  • To mobilise tangible and intangible investments in companies, in particular small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • To enable less developed regions to participate in EU value chains, contributing to cohesion policy objectives
  • To link and align the bottom-up process centred on “entrepreneurial discovery” that involves interactions among quadruple helix actors to identify new regional technological domains and market opportunities with the EUpriorities
  • To bridge the gap between the supply and demand sides and help innovation ecosystems overcome market failures
  • To provide support for companies (in particular SMEs) in building portfolios of interregional innovation investments in shared or complementary S3 priority areas; and to support the demonstration, market uptake and scaling up of mature innovations to be brought on the market


  • Priority 1 – Digital economy innovation
  • Priority 2 – Digital transformation of the public administratio
  • Priority 3 – Digitalisation of healthcare

Among financed actions

  • The deployment of innovative solutions for businesses digitalisation and digital services, including the use of artificial intelligence
  • ICT up-take in SMEs applied to traditional and emerging sectors; B2B; B2C; Customer to Customer, including infrastructures and services (digital innovation hubs, living labs, etc.)
  • Demonstration of innovative digital technologies in view of the commercialisation of research results and a better integration in EU value chains
  • User driven innovation and valorisation of traceability and big data
  • Companies reinforcing EU cybersecurity value chain and protecting from hacking, ransomware and identity theft
  • “Digital based” open innovation, supporting entrepreneurial discovery processes and cooperation between academia and businesses in the framework of smart specialisation
  • Digital skills for companies adopting innovative digital technologies (upskilling and reskilling) in the framework of investments relevant for Smart Specialisation
  • New or significantly upgraded services for e-government, including the take-up of Europe wide interoperable services which improve the efficiency of services delivered by public administrations to citizens, companies and other public bodies by using information and communication technologies such as artificial intelligence and cybersecurity
  • Investments in innovative solutions helping administrations to make services user-friendly, accessible and more interoperable. Those investments might include the demonstration of the validity of new digital technologies in view of the large-scale adoption of new IT systems
  • Innovative investments in security of health data across borders (including cybersecurity)
  • Investments related to the use of digital tools to stimulate prevention, enable feedback and interaction with the healthcare providers
  • Investments connected the digitisation of healthcare systems, providing solutions to interoperability issues
  • Investments in digital health infrastructure (needed for demonstration processes), telemedicine, m-health and other innovative solutions for personalised medicine
  • Investments related to the acquisition of digital skills needed for the adoption of innovative technologies in healthcare

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: between 18 and 36 months


  • be legal entities (public or private bodies)
  • Total budget of the call: 31 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: between 2 million and 10 million euro
  • Co-financing rate: between 30% and 100% of the total eligible costs

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