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IPA III Programme – Civil Society Facility and Media 2021-2023 – EU4CS Support to existing and newly established Civil Society Organisations’ networks – 2023

IPA III Programme - Civil Society Facility and Media 2021-2023 - EU4CS Support to existing and newly established Civil Society Organisations' networks aiming at strengthening participatory democracies and the EU approximation and integration process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through an enhanced contribution by civil society and media

7.8 million euro

Appeal framework

Sectors Citizenship & Human Rights Culture, Media & Communication
Beneficiaries Association & NGO
Regions European Union

Countries eligible to the programme:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina

Actions must take place on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To strengthen participatory democracies and the EU approximation and integration process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through an enhanced contribution by civil society and media


  • Priority 1: institutionalisation of civil society participation in policy and decision making process
  • Priority 2: further capacity building of CSO in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly of grassroots CSOs
  • Priority 3: continuation of support to issue based networks in the area of rule of law, anti-corruption, education, health, electoral processes, social inclusion, environment and climate change, youth, culture, local economy and entrepreneurship, women rights, freedom of expression and media

Among financed actions

  • Gaps and need analysis on legal measures and level of public transparency
  • Set-up of monitoring structure(s) to follow up reforms
  • Define and propose recommendations for systematic improvements in the legal and institutional framework for increasing transparency of the public institutions
  • Institutional gap analysis and investigation regarding corruption
  • Activities that seek greater civic education, CSOs advocacy and increased participation in the decision-making process, and better dissemination of information (i.e. public debates, workshops)
  • Information campaigns for citizens, CSOs and media
  • Upgrading existing information systems and public institutions’ relations with the public, including website and database to facilitate the dissemination of information
  • Training related to improving CSOs operational capacity, awareness functions and networking, capacity to conduct investigative journalism, detect organised crime and corruption, and provide legal advice
  • For Lot 13: activities of the former Resource Centre (RC) such as help-desk services, training, information events, support for monitoring and guidance of individual projects, advocacy, cross-border events, partner-matching, as well as civil society PR and visibility

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is a restricted call for proposals. In first instance, only concept notes will be evaluated
  • Initial duration of the action: between 30 and 36 months


  • Be a legal person
  • Be non-profit-making
  • Be non-governmental organisation
  • Be established in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Total budget of the call: 7.8 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: between 400 000 and 600 000 euro
  • Co-financing rate: up to 90% of the total eligible costs

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