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IPA – Local level partnerships to advance social inclusion in Albania – 2020

The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance II (IPA II) is the means by which the EU supports reforms in the 'enlargement countries' with financial and technical help.

4,5 millions euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union, Candidate countries, New Independant States, European Economic Area

* Albania
* Lot 1: open to 19 municipalities targeted through this call: Prrenjas, Gjirokaster, Vore, Mallakaster, Cerrik, Librazhd, Shijak, Kavaje, Kurbin,Kukes, Kruje, Pogradec, Korce, Kamez, Vlore, Shkoder, Elbasan, Durres, Tirane.

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Priorities and funded actions

* To contribute at strengthening municipal capacities to establish and deliver inclusive services to citizen in the area of social care, employment and inclusive education;
* To improve the inclusion of all women and men, boys and girls from Roma and Egyptian communities for economic and education opportunities; 
* To establish new or extend existing models of social care services, inclusive education and employability of groups at risk; 
* To establish policy dialogue and practice learning mechanisms, such as fora and on-line platforms, that foster, promote and encourage opportunities to share social innovation and good practices among two or more municipalities on the design, management, governance, funding, and delivery of social care services, employment and inclusive education to populations at risk of poverty and social exclusion. 

* Lot 1: Local Level Partnerships for Integrated Service Delivery:
– Support to establish and/or extend existing social care services at the municipal level, such as: community centres, multifunctional centres, mobile teams, daily centres, foster care etc
– Support to establish and/or extend specialized social care services focused on specific needs and which may include more than one municipality, such as for example: services for women victims of violence/ LGBTIQ, services for children victims of abuse, specialized services for people with disabilities, daily centres for elderly people etc.
– Support social inclusion in employment for young people, people with disabilities, women and other at risk groups (such as: models of social enterprises services which promote inclusive employment etc)
– Support models that contribute to enhance inclusive education for girls and boys – with a special focus on children with disabilities, Roma community and children living in remote areas. 

* Lot  2: Economic and Inclusive Learning Grant for Roma and Egyptians:
– Increase opportunities for Roma and Egyptian communities and narrow the employment gap in the job market through active employment programmes, self-employment and other models of inclusive employment. Ensure individualised approaches based on needs in existing and mainstreamed employment services.
– Increase enrolment rates and support inclusive education for Roma and Egyptian children and ensure sustainability of pre-university school attainment.
– Strengthen activism and of community-level of Roma and Egyptian civil society organisations to implement tailored services and initiatives for the community and enhance policy advocacy and dialogue at the local and central level. 

* Lot 3: Fostering inter-municipal innovative collaboration on policy and practice development: 
– Build strategic and operational partnerships between municipalities, public and non-public agencies that focus on experimenting and learning from innovations in the area of social services, employment and education.
– Foster inter-municipal collaboration on the design and delivery of social care services and social inclusion measures in employment and education.  

Amongst financed actions
* Actions that encourage municipal authorities and CSOs to provide social care services (community-based, home-based, alternative care) – including multi-functional community centres, alternative care to residential care, children and young people leaving residential care, young people managing transitions from school to work; protection and reintegration services to women and children victim of violence; multidisciplinary services for people with disabilities and elderly people;
* Actions on cooperative initiatives involving civil society organisations, social partners, business associations or government institutions in the design and  implementation of actions to support the social inclusion of groups at risk of harm and or neglect to benefit social care, employment and education services;
* Actions that advocate access to services that address barriers to enhancement of livelihoods of people dependent on the informal and formal economies, and social inclusion of groups at risk of social exclusion from accessing new and/or existing government-led VET and Active Labour Measures, social care services and inclusive education measures;
* Actions that seek to address the barriers that prevent people from moving out of risk and vulnerability; such as in rural areas or informal areas or for young people not in employment and not in training;
* Actions focused on improvement of quality, flexibility and availability of vocational education and training (VET), Active Labour Market Measures (ALMMs); 
* Actions focused on innovation of VET curricula and pedagogy: blending of academic and vocational curricula, linking schools and training centres more closely to various industries; 
* Action that support capacity-building activities for public authorities and local civil society organisations, business associations so that they are better equipped to identify and integrate the needs of various at risk groups;
* Actions that support social justice in the informal economies and advocate for labour rights ; 
* Actions that focus on innovative models aiming to extend social care services coverage in a fiscally sustainable manner (such as but not limited to developing linkages between municipal social plans, municipal medium term expenditure plans, and monitoring of expenditure outturns)

Additional Information

* This call is a restricted call for proposals. In the first instance, only concept notes must be submitted for evaluation. 

* Initial duration of the action: 
– Lot 1: between 18 and 36 months 
– Lot 2: between 24 and 36 months 
– Lot 3: between 24 and 36 months 

* Eligibility: 
– Lot 1:
> To be a legal person  and; 
> To be non-profit-making and; 
> To be one of the targeted municipalities in the Republic of Albania or to be a non-profit organisation, civil society organisation legally registered and operating in Albania. The organization may also be from an EU member state or an official candidate country or from the European Economic Area and; 
> To be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.

– Lot 2: 
> To be a legal person and; 
> To be non- for profit making;
> To be a public body, or relevant mandated body of a Government Department of a European Union Member State; or to be an International Organization (intergovernmental) as defined in Article 62 (c) of the EU Financial Regulations; or to be a non-profit organisation, civil society organisation legally registered and operating in Albania. The organization may also be from an EU member state or an official candidate country or from the European Economic Area; 
> To be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.

– Lot 3: 
> To be a legal person and to be Non- for profit making;
> To be one of the targeted municipalities in the Republic of Albania or to be public body, or relevant mandated body in a European Union Member State or in Albania; or to be a non-profit organisation, civil society organisation legally registered and operating in Albania. The organization may also be from an EU member state or an official candidate country or Member State of the European Economic Area; 
> To be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.

* The action must take place in Albania ; where applicable in the municipalities indicated.


* Lot 1: 
– Indicative Budget available : 2 millions euros
– Grant amount: between 100,000 euros and 300,000 euros
– Co-financing rate : between 60% and 90% of the total eligible costs of the actions

 * Lot 2: 
– Indicative Budget available : 2 millions euros
– Grant amount: between 2 millions euros and 2 millions euros 
– Co-financing rate : between 60% and 90% of the total eligible costs of the actions

 * Lot 3: 
– Indicative Budget available : 500.000 euros
– Grant amount: between 100.000 euros and 200.000 euros 
– Co-financing rate : between 60% and 90% of the total eligible costs of the actions

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