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ISFP – UAS countermeasures – 2020

Grants for projects which aims to support police cooperation, crime prevention and the fight against cross-border as well as serious and organised crime, including terrorism.

3,5 million euros

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union

Member States participating in the ISF-Police instrument

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Priorities and funded actions

* To enhance European coordination between Member States in the testing of different UAS countermeasures solutions in order to provide the Member States with a more common baseline understanding concerning the effectiveness of different commercially available C-UAS solutions

* The development of a set of relevant standard scenarios that might describe different situations in which protection from non-cooperative UAS may be necessary. These scenarios should be sufficiently general so as to be applicable to many different stakeholders in different sectors in different corners of the EU.8 (DG HOME is currently involved in initial work aimed at identifying a set of relevant standard scenarios. The awarded projects will be provided access to these materials.); 
* The development of quantifiable and technology-agnostic functional and performance requirements and metrics for different detection-tracking identification (DTI) systems, including integrated systems: These could be developed on the basis of the work on the standard scenarios and identified operational needs as defined by competent authorities responsible for securing at risk sites/facilities, events and individuals from non-cooperative UAS operations; 
* The development of a C-UAS systems testing methodology that could be used in testing individual sensors and integrated systems; 
* The conduct of performance testing of suitable individual sensors and integrated systems. In every instance, the individual sensors and integrated systems selected for testing should be commercially available in Europe and legal for use by law enforcement and other competent authorities in most/all EU Member States in order to ensure relevance to a maximum number of stakeholders in the Member States. Generally speaking, detection-tracking-identification (DTI) systems fulfill these criteria, while effectors do not; 
* The sharing of testing outcomes with relevant competent authorities in different sectors in all Member States in a responsible, secure manner: The proposals should contain a communication and dissemination plan describing how the project intends to share information, including potentially sensitive testing data, with all relevant stakeholders in the Member States. This should include consideration of how the projects intend to use the information channels set up/available through DG HOME, including DG HOME’s ‘Counter-UAS Interest Group’ (an online portal hosted on the Commission’s servers) and/or the Commission’s secure communications infrastructure

Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals

* Initial duration of the action: up to 36 months

– Be a Public body;
– Be a Non-profit-making private entities;
– International organisations can only apply as co-applicants


* Amount of the grant: between 1 million and 3.5 million euros

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