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LIFE – Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Standard Action Projects (SAP) – 2023

LIFE - Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Standard Action Projects (SAP) aiming at contributing to the socially just and sustainable transition towards a climate neutral economy by 2050 and to reaching the EU emission reduction target for 2030 of at least 55% compared with 1990 levels.

66.350 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Energy Environment & Climate
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries

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Priorities and funded actions


  • Contribute to the socially just and sustainable transition towards a climate neutral economy by 2050 and to reaching the EU emission reduction target for 2030 of at least 55% compared with 1990 levels
  • Ensure continuous progress in enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change
  • Achieve the long-term vision of the EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change that, in 2050, the EU will be a climate-resilient society which is fully adapted to the unavoidable impacts of climate change
  • Improving governance through enhancing the capacities of public and private actors and the involvement of civil society


  • Priority 1 – Make adaptation smarter (improving knowledge, managing uncertainty, and informing adaptation actions by robust data and risk assessment tools that are available to all)
  • Priority 2 – Make adaptation more systemic (incorporating climate resilience considerations in all relevant policy fields, because climate change has impacts at all levels of society and across all sectors of the economy)
  • Priority 3 – Make adaptation faster (developing and rolling out adaptation solutions that allow us to adapt more quickly and comprehensively)

Among financed actions

  • Actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the sectors not covered by the EU Emissions Trading System
  • Actions which enhance the functioning of the existing EU Emissions Trading System and which have an impact on energy and greenhouse gas intensive industrial production
  • Increase the generation and use of renewable energy and improvement of energy efficiency
  • The development of land and sea management practices which have an impact on emissions and removals of emissions, conservation and enhancement of natural carbon sinks
  • Adaptation policy development, and adaptation strategies and plans
  • State-of-the art tools and solutions for adaptation
  • Nature-based solutions in the management of land, forests, coasts and marine areas
  • Adapting cities and regions to climate change
  • Climate-proofing and resilience of infrastructure and buildings
  • Adaptation solutions for farmers, forest managers, Natura 2000 managers and other land managers
  • Water management
  • Preparedness for extreme weather events
  • Financial instruments, innovative solutions and public private collaboration on insurance and loss data
  • Support to the operation of the European Climate Pact
  • Incentivising behavioural change, mainstream emission reduction and resource and energy efficiency actions
  • Awareness-raising activities addressing adaptation and mitigation needs
  • Activities linked to the development and implementation of the Sustainable Finance actions
  • Greenhouse gas emission monitoring and reporting
  • Implementation/further development of national 2030 climate and energy strategies and plans and/or long-term strategies
  • Development and implementation of greenhouse gas accounting and climate change mitigation in the land use sector
  • Assessment of the functioning of the EU ETS
  • Building capacity, raising awareness among end-users and the equipment distribution chain of fluorinated greenhouse gases
  • Climate policy monitoring, assessment and ex-post evaluation

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
  • Initial duration of the action: up to 10 years


  • Be legal entities (public or private bodies)
  • Be established in one of the eligible countries
  • The coordinator must be established in an eligible country
  • Total budget of the call: 66.350 million euro
  • Total budget of the topic:
    • LIFE-2023-SAP-CLIMA-CCM: 30 million euro
    • LIFE-2023-SAP-CLIMA-CCA: 30 million euro
    • LIFE-2023-SAP-CLIMA-GOV: 6.35 million euro
  • Co-financing rate: up to 60% of the total eligible costs

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